Demon Hunter Artifact Mission (Unbridled Power) Bugged

The Demon Hunter Artifact Mission (Unbridled Power) is definitely bugged. I saw a confirmed report from another player on the WowHead Forum who got confirmation from a GM officially that is a newly surfacing bug.

The Fel Hammer cannot be interacted with in any way and also the Scouting table for legion missions is not available. Game Master Rodgarlye’ confirmed this is not working as intended and is an emerging issue that has recently surfaced. This prevents forwarding the Demon Hunter quest line entirely. We need Devs to look into this.


samething happening with me. any idea how to get this working?

Same thing happening to me right now. Can’t continue the questline because of it.

I can confirm that this exact issue is happening to me right now. Are there any updates? Has anyone found a solution that they can share?

just abandon the quest and retake it, and dont leave after activating the console. Wait for them to stop talking and for the objective to complete, then turn it in.

Edit: I just saw from your other post that you already tried that :frowning:

It’s been 4 weeks since I experienced the same issue. In my case I had already interacted with the Fell Hammer, sent champions on quests, recruited ashtong warriors and even proceeded to obtain my second artifact weapon but once I came back to return the quest “Loramus, is that you?” the quest giver interrogation point would appear on the mini-map but not over the NPC, Sevis Brightflame. The NPC is there, but there are 2 instances of him overlapped. If you right-click him in order to interact the perfectly painted instance won’t turn to face me but a translucent second layer with a green contour will turn, but it will only show you the default phrase it displayed before the Fell Hammer was activated.

Kayn Sunfury is once again offering the starting hall quest “Unbridled Power” but even you you pick up the quest again, having dropped the “Loramus, is that you?” quest or not (tried both ways) the console will not become interactable so I can’t complete the quest (probably because I already did). Totally locked out of my class hall quest chain, can’t send champions to execute quests since I can’t interact with anything on the Fell Hammer anymore and didn’t even receive a response to my ticket besides an automated one suggesting useless stuff and apologizing, and it’s been 3 weeks after this. Shameful…


Same thing here I can’t proceed.

same thing

managed to solve the problem? I’m the same way .

Having the same issue as well, haven’t been able to find a fix