Demolisher Cannon not working properly

Continuing the discussion from Wintergrasp bugs:

Spirit healer was an issue in the OLD Wintersgrasp. Still an issue with the current version.
Demolisher “Boulder” hot button1, no working during WG.
Logged new toon poped queue and works well on another toon.
Logged back to original toon Demo still not working.
HELP! Blizzard, HELP!

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I’ve also experienced this problem, and its not limited to demolishers. I had the same problem in WG tower cannons, siege cannons, and with the tower cannons and demolishers in Isle of Conquest. It seems that they work normally until you die and then when you respawn and then try to use another cannon, it doesn’t work. From then on, even if I die in again after that, I still cannot use any cannons, vehicle or tower. Its incredibly annoying. It just started happening after last weeks maintenance (4-7-19).