Demolish is hitting for 3.6 million damage

Please nerf destro warlocks.


once everyone is rocking full conquest the dmg will go back down to normal :dracthyr_nod: :dracthyr_nod: :dracthyr_nod:

I got a 7mil MS in a BG.
Couldn’t tell you what all modifiers I had though.

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No. It won’t. All healers are going to suffer for a long time until actual adjustments are made.

conq gear increases dmg done too tho…

He doesn’t use cells past the stem of his neck sometimes.


I got a 2.8m and thought I was doing good, Jfc man. Obliterating someone.

But it increase defense way more. On PTR you first had 10M hp. After ilvl swap you even had 15M hp.

I am not sure at what ilvl we will end, but lets say the ones who are currently at 6.7M HP will end up at 10M HP. That is a plus of 50% HP. At the same time you go from like 25% Versa to 30%.

(10/0.85) / (6.7/0.875) ~ 1.53644

Thats a plus of nearly 54% eHP. Damage plus will not even scale to close to that!

It might sound frustrating and I doubt that there have been made any balancing changes so far, but tuning damage now based on S1 gear will result in even more imbalance 4-5 weeks into the season, when people will be close to next season max ilvl.

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Versatility gives more offensive power than defensive.

We also get tons of main stat and secondaries like crit and haste that further increase damage. All we get defensively is meager versatikity increase and hp. Damage will outpace tankyness if someone is doing gazillion damage now, getting full conquest wont “even the odds”.

And I didnt even mention tier sets. Uh

Blizzard is going to remember to add PvP modifiers to spells they changed, probably in hot fixes towards the end of the week/Monday, and then damage will be normalized considerably

Several classes are doing basically unhealable dam right now, out of the 2 solo shuffle lobbies I played yesterday, only 2/12 games lasted longer than a minute. The funny thing is I think hpal will be even stronger this season if for whatever reason the damage isn’t toned down, the games dont last long enough for double bop to matter.

But defensive versa scales better. The more versa you have, the less damage you get from it but the more defense.

Lets say you have 20% versa currently. Then your damage is 20% higher than it would be without. At the same time you have 11.11% more eHP (1/0.9) than normal HP.

And now lets say you have 40% versa with the next gear while HP stays the same. Then your damage increased by 1.4/1.2=1.1666… → around +16.67% compared to before. Your eHP at the same time increased by (1/0.8)/(1/0.9)=1.125 → +12.5% compared to before.

BUT HP doesn’t stay the same. It increase usually more than dmg does. So overall people become more tanky the higher the ilvl becomes, which is the reason why the last season of an expansion always feels the least bursty one. Before SL s2 that effect was even more increased, since armor wasn’t reseted each season as it is now.

So even when the effect on defensive versa is halved, the outcome is not. Damage doesn’t scale as good with gear than defense does!

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Feels like Shadowlands on hyper drgs

Lmao no it doesn’t.

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Did you log in and test Warrior yet? Did you happen to watch what happened to Cdewx last night?

Yes, but until people are being 1 shot by an execute, we’re still well below shadowlands.

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Not really, unless you’re an outlaw rogue, ret pally or ww monk.

Main stat goes up, secondaries hardly budge unless you rock nearly full crafted which takes a lot of vers out. Fair trade, more dam for less defense.

I’ve seen this theory floated every single season and every single season it ends up not being true. Mostly b/c vers increases healing as well as DR vs only adding a flat not very good damage mod.

Mostly because a lot of defensives work with vers/hp pools now.

missed it but the DK above did a far better job explaining how this works


Correct. If the game worked the way Christtell described, we wouldn’t wind up with every single end season ever degenerating into a sin rogue/aff lock dampen fest.

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Yeah, I’m ok with that in maybe s3/4 but not in S2. Too early, even if 2/3 of my preferred classes are a bit uphill in the meta sometimes.

Affliction needs like 15% damage reduced across the board right now. Well at least their dots.

We have the PvP trinket bonus modifier to compensate for that.
Current values for DPS are
+12% primary stat
+5% stamina

Current values for healer are
+10% primary stat
+10% stamina

These are the core values that determine your power and amount of health.
They are adjusted to address game pace issues in PvP without impact to PvE.