Demolish (Colossus) feedback - making it a frontal

For a while now it has been a common topic among the warrior communities to ask for a change in the way Demolish (the unique Colossus ability) works from being centered on a target to a frontal cone (like Cleave or Shockwave, for example).

The problem with this is, by casting a cone-shaped skill in a movable target, if the target walks during the animation you may very well lose the entire impact of the final hit.
It gives us very little autonomy over where Demolish will hit while also creating a finnicky situation where we’re trying to “position ourselves around the target correct”.

The ability is a cast 3 hit combo that hits in front of us, being a charged up frontal cone WITHOUT the need for a target would make it feel infinitely superior to use while helping avoid the issues I mentioned.

This doesn’t mean we need to lose any bonuses in terms of damage to our primary target, but at least the character won’t follow its movement and we won’t need to worry about positioning correctly around it.


Because of how demolish works now. I’d rather play sub-optimally as slayer than use demolish.

Demolish requiring a target and it failing so often because said target can move out of range has diminished my confidence in using the ability. It’s not fun to whiff an ability through no fault of your own.


I still play colossus because I love the theme, but yes, losing the entire last hit of Demolish because a mob got knocked back by something, is immensely frustrating.

Less often, I’ll try to use it in some large trash packs during raids and my target is visually lost and out of range of the ability entirely. There are clearly many mobs right in front of me, but hitting the key bind and have nothing happen is again, immensely frustrating.

Love Colossus as an idea, less thrilled about its implementation.


I love Demolish, but the staggering amount of times I’ve lost the final tick sucks. Maybe an implementation that allows it to have range once it starts on a target, so we would at least not lose out there.

I don’t understand what the tradeoff for demolish rooting you is. It’s not apples to apples, but hero talents like Tempest/Hammer of Light/Reaper’s Mark don’t come with MAJOR drawbacks while doing the same overall damage.

The trade off is that your immovable during the channel, as well as taking less incoming damage (10%). Smart usage can result in avoiding mechanics such as Ansurek’s Pull or with next season Benk’s pushback in Cinderbrew.

The only issue is that to send Demolish, you also have to send CS/WB as well, which potentially means reducing your damage.

But honestly the root for demolish, is almost a non-factor and smart play will never leave you in a position where it endangers you.

It is absolutely a factor, lol. Makes it really hard to use in PVP as well. Those examples you listed are incredibly niche.

I love the theme of Colossus and Demolish looks solid, but was just wondering how it would play out with the drawbacks.

Disagree, but you’re looking at it from a PvP perspective not a PVE one. We’ll never agree because our game modes are very very different.

I like the idea i had a while back - if the target is out of range for the final hit, you throw the weapon isntead. Doing so increases the CD by 45 seconds but places the weapon on the ground where the target was hit (or nearby in case the terrain can’t be reached). Picking up the weapon takes 45 seconds off the CD bringing it back down to a normal time.

They just need to up the range of demolish once the first strike lands so both PvE and PvP issues with it get solved.
Adjusting Demolish to have a 10~15y range on the 3rd hit so it doesn’t cancel from ants in the pants tanks, mobs who do a 300m dash whenever a tank moves or stopping players from S-keying out of it in PvP while still having some sort of counterplay in PvP by players having to use a cooldown to counter it instead.