DEmo Warlock seems..ehh

Is it just cause I use LFg ?

I like the control, the damage can be great.

But if someone is on me, I am basically useless

Is Necro a better option? with shield?

I recently swapped to Demo from afflic and the main thing I had a struggle with was my lack of self-healing but I just have to kite more. Using my curses alot more as demo to get away from people and putting as much distance as I can while my demons just pew pew. The setup is a portion as well for in arenas, with gateway and demonic circle. Also with soulshape to put more distance, just gotta keep them melee’s away from you and kite as much as you can. I also personally use alot of instant cast demonbolts if I’m being focused

You got 3 schools if nf, a better stormbolt, coil, gfg stun.

You can literally setup your own go all by yourself vs 2 melee unless they trinket (dogs/gfg/coil/ tyrant/stun again somewhere in there).

The rest is just shadowlands melee cleaves doing what they do.

ya i love the control, and I have actually been able to pull off a triple cc with coil on heals.
Might not be the smartest, but they all trinketed - and i still died