I would like to get into mythic with a team on thrall if anyone is in need of a warlock. Currently 485 and aotc. I am not looking to swap guilds or for loot, I just want some continued progression. I’d be happy to just fill in as an alternate too. Reach out with any questions!
Availability could be firm for wednesday, thursday, sunday or monday night anytime after 8PM est.
bagmitten on discord
Evening Usu,
My guild is looking for a warlock and was wondering if you had any availability on Tuesdays, as well!
My guild is Prism Sentence on Thrall. We are currently AOTC and 4/9M with a 10% pull on Larodar this week. We raid Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9pm-Midnight EST. We are a mythic progression guild looking to push as far into the tier as possible!
If you have any flexibility on your availability, I’d love to chat more! My discord is slayingbaes!
Thanks for reading this!
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