Demo does no dmg?

Is it me doing something wrong or is demo doing like no dmg?

It will do less damage than the other 2 lock specs. It’s a dampener spec. You’re also tough to kill.

Can’t have everything, that’s reserved for rogue, dh, boomkins.

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What’s your rotation like? And your talents

Just axe toss, fear x3 every 24 seconds with death coil/shadowfury/felguard stun tacked on, all while your AI continues to do its job, and people will just kill themselves.

Pure misery inducing spec.


I wish :smiling_face_with_tear:

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I haven’t walked that dog yet but when I get a chance I will try it.

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Afaik details improperly tracks a lot of personal and friendly demo stuff

that could be dated info but if you aren’t looking at scoreboard dmg you might just be trolling yourself

Does seem a bit toned down but its workable.
Have to see how it scales because at this level it doesn’t mean a whole lot.

That’s just a big cap.

Demo does absurd levels of damage rn

Demo is my favorite spec to que into.

I wish I could que into nothing but demo/unholy the entire season every game.

bad mage you had a wish now you get hunters the next 4 games now.(even Tho u playing bm now -_-)