Demo already botom tier dps

Locks in general are considered bottom tier dps. Even destro, who is at the bottom of the top 10 isnt anything to write home about. Aff is 10% is behind the leaders but only received a 3% buff. So, there is really no light at the end of the tunnel.

So strange that warlocks are doing so well in PvP but so poorly in PvE. They should really just carry over the PvP tuning to PvE at this point at the very least.

At this point ive mastered all 3 specs just to keep up, I stick to 1 char so playing alts is not an option.

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but nothing changed… the spec was slightly below middle of the pack before the patch, and now apparently the worst? doesn’t make any sense at all, and clearly shows what’s wrong with these kinds of reports.

Just a reminder to blizzard that warlocks are still bottom tier dps!


Buffs badly needed!

Total abject failure is the legacy of the development of warlock for this expansion. Completely boring rotations, zero dynamism, and a very similar damage profile for each. Incredible.

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Yet, if you ask a 1%er, they say “warlocks are in a good place.” Smdh gfoh.

I can’t stand the design of affy. They need to stop throwing numbers and put time into why the kits aren’t working right.

Why is affy taking AoE for a single target build. So many bad talents no one uses and then forced to use talents that aren’t fun or engaging. 3% buff here and there I want real changes. I’d even take nerfs if it meant the class could function as well as other classes.

So much ramp in this class just to put out similar numbers other classes can do for free right off the bat.

Lock class tree is also not great

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And you would know more than a “1%er” because why?

At least, when Wowhead posts this list they have the good common sense to include a disclaimer that it’s an incomplete look at balance and not to be taken as objective truth.