Demand for specs in raid or end game

What do guilds usually need or look for right now? What specs mainly. I dont wanna play something where a million other people are playing and spots are taken up quickly for my spec/class.

I often see people posting for spriests, lock dps, and sometimes balance druids. Others too, but that’s typically what I see the most.

Do people ever need/look for tank rogues much? Seems pretty interesting and im willing to bet they still pump good dps

“A feral, a feral! My kingdom for a feral!”

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For SoD (I’m horde side, could be different for Ally) basically any class we’d be like “Hell yeah, welcome” except Rogue. I don’t know why but we are constantly overwhelmed with new rogues joining and people making Rogue alts.

Also the most common class to message me when I’m LFM DPS for dungeons

I really think any other spec you want you could find a guild that needs it pretty easily.

(Viable specs though. A few things don’t work like Arms Warrior. Just a DPS issue)

I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone looking specifically for a rogue tank tbh

Damn alright, so many id want to main, id want to be a melee class if anything i think. Im gonna have to watch some videos and see what looks most appealing ig

Feral is often sought after because everyone needs one in raid. Also helps that you can OT on a dime!


Haven’t seen rogue tanks in a while. I used to run with guildies who were rogue tanks and they were pretty good. But what I see most looked for right now, on Alliance side at least, are feral druids or ranged dps.

If you play on Alliance then feral druid will always be a desired spec to have.

Warriors also seem to be a dying breed. At least for my raid group lol.

feral druid on alliance, shadow priest, any type of healer, then boomie and warlock dps (which may change in naxx due to FotM),

Wherever you ask, you’ll probably get all sorts of differing opinions. Here’s the best answer I can give you…

You need to pick a class that you ENJOY PLAYING. Melee is in a tough spot in SoD where the playstyle/rotation of Feral just kinda feels a little bad. Rogue tank isn’t very desirable because it takes a lot of gear to be viable and skill to play well. Many groups prefer shaman/paladin/warrior tanks over a rogue because they are pretty bad when the gear or skill doesn’t line up.

THAT BEING SAID if you are serious about learning either of those specs, you will have a lot of success :smiley:

Again, play something that is fun for you. Whatever you enjoy will keep you playing and getting better no matter the class/spec.

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And to answer your first question, there is an abundance of Ret Pallys, so unless you love those, I’d avoid making one.

Can’t go wrong with shaman tank/ele, priest disc/shadow, or hunter. Lots of groups would want you at the moment. Pally tank/heals is also good.

Dual-spec is available in SoD