He’s reliable in one respect:
You can always count on him to have no CDs up for the hard fights because he blew all of his major CDs on some trash mob that aggro’d you and died in less than a second.
If you don’t mind me asking:
What level is your Brann? What Ilvl were you with your T11?
What curios did you use? Were they maxed out? For some reason, my delves stopped giving me 4/4 curios so not sure if that will prevent it.
How long did that T11 take you to complete? For T8’s today, I’ve definitely had to pick and choose my targets and use a lot more CD’s than normal, but I generally got Folly and Underkeep around 20 minutes.
Can anyone explain the health scaling of bosses in delves? Solo the boss had 69m health, 2 man the boss had 43m health. 3 man the boss had 59m health.
The t11s I did were
- Fungal Folly
- Underkeep Abominations ver (which is insanely easy, do this one if you just want the achievement)
I can’t remember the exact Curios but its Brann as DPS. The enter combat and gain x haste or health one is one of the two. The “strat” is mostly just to kite and have him clear. Which is why I believe any spec could do it even on T11 after gearing. He is 25ish.
I think the T11 was done at 593 but that Underkeep one is so easy you could do it borderline naked. There is one unavoidable attack from the Abominations other than that its literally a free gear delve. Fungal can be done by kiting spores onto enemies, they also take damage from those. Boss is one of the easier ones. Some T11s are probably not clearable on all specs undergeared.
The extra bosses are mostly DPS races, you can cheese these in a number of ways. The abominations in the Underkeep will damage and kill mobs they hit, same as the Fungal Spores. Kiting anything into these allows for fast damage. This gets you through T11 with only a few actual hits per fight. As a Warr I still couldn’t take more than a few direct attacks.
they were marketed as solo casual out door content, finally giving the ignored " casual " crowd content to play and Delves are 1000% not that in any shape or form.
This expac just feels like a big bait and switch to gather funds for a big push.
Explains all the extra cash options for the beta and that stuff too.
Edit: imma make a youtube channel. Atleast i can pretend somebody who has power will see it
1000% this
They are now that they nerfed groups
Awesome, thanks for the information!
I’m going to try that out later with this windwalker and see what I can do. I got my brann at 37 at the moment, and I believe I know which curio you are talking about and probably the Porcelain Arrow Idol as well.
lets just be real…this is basically alpha 2.0. They have no clue what they are doing or what they even want to do with this system. They are grasping at straws to make anything work. I expect a ton of massive nerfs/buffs/reworks to this. I’d say I want to abandon them and come back in a few patches when they are more fleshed out but honestly…all my friends have quit WoW at this point. I was looking forward to being able to solo when I find spare time to play, and that is basically not possible. Sure I could reroll to a different class then I’m currently playing to have a slightly easier time…but still doesn’t fix the base issues that everyone, minus a few trolls or top tier players, is having with these. The fact that I can do some delves on a 9 and others I get roflstomped into the floor by unavoidable damage on a 7 is just plain dumb. They marketed this as a feature you can do solo. In that same way, you can solo raids and M+ too…you’ll die a lot, but technically it’s possible!
No they are not, i cant solo them, freaking mobs hit me for nearly 500k+ , bosses instant wipe… soloable ? yeah thats a big fat lie. These damn things are suposed to be fun, enjoyable, not stressful, annoying and frustrating.
the people claiming they do super high clears are either trolling, or cheesing it. Play a tank and just run around kiting it while Brann (who can die a million times and doesn’t matter) does everything. I’d rather not have to cheese to play content. Sure someone will argue “if it’s in the game that must be what they intended!” Yeah…not an exploit but I can’t immagine they expected that to be how everyone will want to play these.
As right now it feels very false to both ends. This is just impossible to do. Something I was doing at ilvl 600 last night is now impossible to do.
Solo contact doesn’t mean that it has to be easy. They need to be challenging or they may as well not exist.
Last night they were way too easy . They are now tuned properly. Though I imagine Blizz will cave to the whingers as usual and nerf them. I hope however they stay strong like they did with mage tower
Yeah delves should be a route for solo meta gear progression. If parties are allowed, it should just be for novelty purposes, and be really hard. If you ask me, they should just be solo only tho.
Hope so cant wait for more salty tears from ego driven players
Yes they are. None of the above means they have to be easy. They are the top tier of solo content so like m+ and raids they need to provide a challenge.
If they made them solo only, I’d never run them again. I like the option to do them with my guild.
They could just tune them better for solo play.
Nope this expac was heavily marketed to a broader player base. Sorry but the sweatlord mentality of youre just not good enough wasnt a lucrative enough base so they had to expand. Enjoy what Blizzard reaps