Delves: Waterworks, Tek'Rethan Abyss

Pagsly/Treasure Dig/Bountiful Loot Bug:
Digsite indicator: The “digsite” indicator bugged when I died during a treasure digging event. The indicator remained in site #3 even though I had 3/4 treasures, leading me to believe that Pagsly was bugged. However, when I moved to site #4, I was able to talk to Pagsly and complete the dig.
Loot bug: After the above bug occurred, when I killed the boss, there was no bountiful loot, and the treasure trunks were green, despite me only dying the one time.

Tek’Rethan Abyss:
Brann: Brann glitches the game out over and over, honestly. He aggro’s mobs, then was just jumping from place to place, causing mobs to evade me and also aggro’ing other packs of mobs.
Air bubbles: I used the niffen ability for air, which didn’t refill my air, then I ran into an air bubble which disappeared but also didn’t refill my air, so I died.

All delves/general:
Mobs seem to evade randomly, especially where water is involved. I know this has been a problem since forever ago so maybe it won’t be fixed, but it’s extra annoying on Delves.

Movement: Tapping a movement key to hop off of small ledges sometimes seems like it makes my character leap forwards/sideways/whatever, instead of just hopping down to the next ledge. This caused me to go leaping off what I thought would be a small hop, into the abyss.

Thanks for all you do, the game is great, but this morning felt like a pretty frustrating run.

I had the same issues with Tek’Rathan, i am solo guardian druid and i made it to the boss but bran keeps dying/going unconsoius NON STOP every few seconds. He has no aggro and is nowhere near, i think he is standing on the mushrooms and not dodging them as they summon, i cant control or move him so how am i supposed to prevent him from getting facerolled by the fungal growths?