Delves Suck

Coming into this expansion as a DPS, having primarily tanked or healed in the past, I’ve found Delves to be extremely frustrating, especially as a cloth-wearing class like a mage. Without a tank, some of these encounters are nearly impossible to complete.

While I’ve managed to clear several on +8, it took many hours of painful grinding to get through them. Meanwhile, tanks can walk in at +8 and crush it effortlessly because they have the defensives necessary to survive. The balance feels off.

Bronzebeard is another major issue. He’s a healer who doesn’t heal and a DPS who doesn’t DPS. If he could be a tank, it might be somewhat helpful, but as it stands, he’s nearly worthless. His lack of utility only adds to the frustration of the Delves.

Overall, Delves are not “soloable” content for many classes. Similar to dungeons, they’re extremely difficult, even with decent gear. I’m running 603 gear with a 4-set bonus and properly statted, yet I can’t survive in Waterworks past the first section. The adds hit too hard—one or two hits, and I’m dead. Kiting, running, or using any other strategy makes no difference because it’s simply not possible, even for a computer to execute perfectly. Delves, while a good concept in theory, are far too difficult for some classes. The execution feels imbalanced, particularly for DPS classes like mine. Needing a tank for what is supposed to be “solo” content makes it extremely frustrating and, in my opinion, one of Blizzard’s worst designs to date.


Ya delves are terrible.


you gotta go back to the old school way of thinking

cc, los, being creative… ngl, i don’t often think of casting roots unless its a mob near my herb.

take note of the recommended ilvls for each delve. there’s no shame in sticking to the ones around your level until you get better gear— the people doing the max level are probably geared out the wazzoo


I think they’re fundamentally flawed at the moment. From a technical side as well as balance. They appear to be phases that are scaled for the player like with Chromie Timewalking and I think they’re breaking more and more the longer the servers have been up.

I think it’s not just a case of tuning, I think they’re actually just scaling incorrectly and that’s why people are so argumentative. Some people literally aren’t seeing the same problems, it’s not just a disagreement.

Edit: I see they’re doing a reboot of the servers tomorrow morning. Not sure if that’s related or not, but if you’re lucky enough to be able to try just after the servers come up, see if they work better then.


Ya ever think you might be a lil undergeared?

8s a very doable with gear


Yes solo delves are still frustrating and long. Plus the gear is RNG. Spending an hour in a delv for a cloak you already have isn’t good


Delves aren’t nearly as annoying as the missing items from our Guild Banks.

What they did to the Guild banks is just criminal and evil!


Yeah they are quite frankly embarrassing, and demonstrate clearly how rushed the expansion was.





I’ve been posting so many delve-hate posts and every single one gets reported and taken down. Ever since I got within ilvl range of heroic dungeons (and ready for m+) … I haven’t played a single delve. They are so awful.


They are ok. Fun content that is not required. After 6 they are overturned badly but again will see how it is with better gear.

They supposed to be solo content for outdoor players, but I heard they’re challenging at higher levels


I don’t mind delves , but I know that’s easy for me to say when I can just summon a Voidwalker and afk and yawn and watch netflix. Exaggeration but yeah.

I think the solution would be to improve Brann AI’s , or make Brann extra strong when he’s with certain specs to balance out the specs that are naturally weaker in delves maybe (assuming you aren’t just dying because you are trying to do high tiers while too undergeared?) Even the specs that are good at delves will struggle with that? Lol.

I laugh how many times Brann lies down that haste buff puddle thingie for me to stand in - only for him to create it on top of a boss mechanic that will one-shot me if I stand in the swirlie. Sure, Brann! (like Sure Jan only it’s sure Brann… LOL) Yep, stopped using that curio because he always places it in the most awkward place.


Has very very little to do with gear.

The only thing that matters is your spec and how strong Bran is. For example, there are bosses that are literally impossible to do as Fury/Arms, but if I swap to Prot I can go afk during the fight and get a free win.

Delves are fundamentally broken at the core.


Those webs will summon NEEEEEEEErubIAANnnS! Don’t stand in em…

Worst thing about Delves for me so far is Brann. He sucks, He’s super cringe in everything he says, his abilities are all janky gnome gimmicks and is a joke character. Wish I could pick literally any other NPC *except Toddy, she is actually worse).


This thread needs to stay alive and get as much exposure as possible.


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Which one?
I have yet to find one I can’t do as Arms.

Cant wait to run keys and never set foot in a delve again and i hate running keys.
I rather deal with toxic player then face a end boss that hits for 9 mill a pop. Yes i check the logs from the last boss in that mushroom underwater nightmare delve today. Hit for 9 million.
Ill take dungeons any day. im done with is buggy crap


Delves are great because they’ve revealed how genuinely bad most people who play WoW are at the game.


I may raid as a holy paladin, but no healing I know of can fix this kind of global damage lol.

Delves are good. They aren’t perfect, but they have shown that blizz is capable of iterating steadily on content meant to appeal to a wide range of skill levels and playstyle patterns that isn’t m+, raiding, or pvp. More of this can only be good for the health of the game in the long term.


I think you mean how bad certain classes are at certain aspects of the game…they will always be a meta which is sad that a multi-billion dollar company can’t balance anything nor ship an almost bug less game.