Delves: Stuck in combat

THIS IS A 85 YEAR OLD ERROR IN THIS GAME!!! the player is stuck in combat and can not loot anything… the game said to do this Delve for the quest, so I do. Halfway through, stuck in combat, can not pick up none of the treasure in the instance nor the end of it, so a waste of time and learned nothing but to not play this Delves - WHEN are you going find out and fix the damn stuck in combat error that has been in this game from the start!!!


I totally agree. This had been a problem for as long as I’ve been playing (at least BC). I could not loot the delve treasures because of this issue! Logging out, and back in, did not resolve the issue. I was stuck in combat at the start and that carried all the way through the delve.

Adding my name to the mix.

Killed everything in dungeon, reloaded, relogged… leaving behind 6 companion experience barrels…

Same thing… its so annoying, and there is nothing you can do… just lose all that xp on Bran.

Bring invisibility potions for now. I use greater invis to reset.

I can’t use my invis potions while in combat lol. I cannot believe this issue still exists in a game that is about to be 20 years old. Insane

Just had this problem. Can confirm if you allow yourself to die, you will be out of combat on respawn. Only thing I could do to not lose out on the treasures.

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Yep, Exactly the same as all the previous people, INDIE GAME COMPANY…

can confirm this still is happening

Happens in raids also