Delves are pointless

Basically title, but really just curious what they are even trying to do with them?

They offer far inferior loot than easier alternatives, and even as a solo activity are just extremely poorly balanced and designed.

Genuinely curious to hear from Blizzard’s perspective on what the point of delves are? Why am I struggling in later tier delves for loot that is not even remotely comparable to the difficulty level? Why is Brann constantly stealing aggro from me as a healer, running mobs all over the place because you designed him to sit a certain distance off of you in combat, making gathering/attacking mobs he has aggro on a huge issue? Why are delve mechanics like underwater a thing when the air bubbles are inconsistent, unreliable, and generally unhelpful?

Really would love to see delves become relevant and fun, but right now they seem like the red-headed step child that got neglected and ignored.

It’s just side content, Delves were never meant to be anything more than that.

I have to disagree. Delves are extremely easy to get 603 loot and get that tier reward to 616 for the vault.

It’s how I decked out numerous alts quickly.

So delves have a place.


think the target audience for that system was not us mythic+ dungeoneers and raiders. I think it was more for solo/world/very casual people to get a taste of end game, without getting handed things.

I really like some of the trinkets in there though, so hopefully they’ll improve the reward structure someday, so that i can use the damn candle if i want to!

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Delves straight up give heroic gear, and it’s decently difficult solo content.

Delves are easier and give better gear then heroic dungeons.

Delves were a good filler between Heroic and Mythic Dungeons.

Good for alts now if you just want 580 gear and finished tge exp track.

Imo Brann should have a tank spec, like pets, where he can taunt enemies you’re in combat with, have an AoE threat generator as well. Would give some squishier dps classes some wiggle room

I like Delves. I chill queued some cool seasonal stuff out of them and have quick geared a few alts.

I’d definitely do them for filler seasonal stuff in future seasons when I don’t feel like sitting for 25 minutes in LFG.

100% agree. They are amazing for quickly gearing up alts.

The Horde have now added 1000% more spikes to Delves.

‘balanced’ ? if it’s solo, what’s there to balance?

I’d like to see them get deleted along with Aug evokers :wink:

+8 delves are piss easy, and give better gear than normal raid. Plus you can get 616 from vault by doing them. Delves are too good for solo content.

Except the rewards are piss compared to anything you get out of M+ if you’re farming +5 or above or if you raid heroic or higher. It’s perfectly fine for solo players given the time it would take for a person to farm (gear and crests) and upgrade the gear to 626 is hilariously longer compared to casually doing M+ or Raiding. It’s perfectly fine. Anybody who says delves give too much gear for Solo players are delusional or trolling.

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I agree with you. Currently slowly working on an alt and running at least 4 is a nice way to gear. Right now, my little hunter has a bounty thingie so the next one I get a heroic drop at the end. Woohoo. I can easily do these while taking care of kids and things around the house.

Not really, Delves serve a fantastic purpose towards heroic-raid IL gear (if you’ve done enough +9 delves) in the vault at the end of the week — aside from that they also give warbound loot towards gearing alts and can provide various cosmetic rewards. :slight_smile:

There’s also the currency and quests you can get relating to them that offer more on such too.

Delves are a fantastic addition to the game especially, towards those who have busy or unpredictable lives or times within such lives, where they may have to leave for a considerable time or pause at any moment — which they won’t exactly be able to do in a M+ dungeon or raid.

Ultimately delves serve as a good solo player experience, where they’re accountable for themselves and don’t have to deal with the stress of letting others down or feeling the wrath of their irritation at circumstances that require them to take a moment away from the game to accomplish an IRL task.

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