Delves are not worth doing now

And just because some people can do them doesn’t mean everyone can. Get off it. As a class that can solo t8 i still think plenty of classes are having issues and stuff needs to be fixed.

Come off it my guy, white knighting is so early 2000’s

just did my second bdelve t8 and got a 603 trinket only died once in the dread pit against the boss

Delves are awesome now. Leviathan was clearly nerfed. And so was the big bug dude with the massive aoe. Radius reduced and it doesn’t do as much dmg.

Only reason why they seem like they’ve ever been worth anything is because M+ isnt out yet. And pre-raid prep.

They will soon full in place with just a casual thing to do on the side that most players won’t do.

I can comfortably solo T8s on my tanks, Elemental Shaman, and pet classes, but I haven’t leveled a petless clothy or leather melee DPS yet to try on those. If it’s anything like my Elemental Shaman, it’ll probably be “CC and nuke the remainder” with Brann as a healer.

Switch Brann to healer mode after the latest fixes and see how that goes. You can’t go autopilot mode anymore and have him do all the work, but his potions do an adequate job of keeping you alive while you kill things.

jus did a delve n it was worth doing :eyes:

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I think they pushed a damage nerf to delves. I was getting hit by Thwackers in a 6 Waterworks for 550k-ish per melee auto.

I noticed a reduction in damage in the 8 I did earlier. Went back to a 6 Waterworks and they’re now hitting for 274k.

I’m now getting the same damage in a 9 as I was in a 6 from earlier today.

yea i kinda think so too cause i think i’m doing better n im not sure it’s my skills that improved that much :nerd_face:

I told my guild when I found the bug (tag a mob, kite for 5 seconds then sit back and let Brann do all the work) that this was not intended and would be fixed soon.

I was letting Brann do all the work. That was boring.

Now that he can’t and they also made things a bit harder overall, I am enjoying the delves a lot more. It seems more rewarding after putting in the hard work.

As a demo lock main My demons tend to most of the mobs anyways. When I do pull too many I need to deal with. Dealing with the mechs is also good practice for Tue when myth+ hits us. The boss fights are not a push over now. I actually have to do mechs and heal myself and demons.

So, in my opinion, it is more engaging and more fun now. A sense of danger makes any MMO better. Being able to steamroll the content is not fun.

Just my 2 cents. You all have a good day.

I just don’t think the difficulty spike makes sense or is fun when me and a group of friends are standing there for a minute and a half spending all our cooldowns to take down one trash mob. And it just sits there and does one or two telegraphed abilities every few seconds that don’t require real skill to avoid.

The first week we saw this as a fun and new alternative to the usual grind to get us and our alts through early endgame into the start of mid endgame…Why does it have to be so painfully slow?


TDLR bad design, must trick players so they don’t unsub.

I think its pretty clear what happened was that the new hires who haven’t been playing wow since 2005 and didn’t study skinner box psychology messed up the design of delve rewards vs. difficulty because they used an open world designer to do delves instead of pulling someone from M+ and raid team.

Then someone from the M+ raid team saw what the delve guys were doing and realized that the delve guy made a huge mistake handing out 603/610 like candy on Halloween so skinner box management ordered the delve guys to stop giving out candy.

Blizzard they can’t admit to the player base "hey we messed up and gave out gear too fast/easily, we need you to keep subscribing so it should at least take you eight months of subscription to fully gear out your casual in 603/610 so we have to make it so that you can only progress up a delve tier every month so you guys should be progressing to tier 8 around May 2025 so we get 8 months of that subscription money

you were supposed to go up in item level 3 ilvl per week, not go from world quest gear to 603/610.

so instead they call it a bug and exploit and fix the fun to stretch out your subscription

Guess they need to give every non-pet class a free NPC tank? Otherwise it’s quite unfair.

If you have to take a small part of someone’s post completely out of context, then you aren’t engaging in the discussion in good faith - which doesn’t add anything of value.

If you read further down on that very post instead of opting to try and argue with me on the first line, you would have found the following:

Which I believe answers your question.

They didn’t design this around Brann tanking for healers, which is why he doesn’t have a tank role.

Then I guess you should stop engaging in bad faith?

Delves seem to be undergoing tuning on a daily basis. If you don’t like how it is today, hold on a day or two, may change again.

Since when does Brann have a tank specc?

is this the boss bug that has the puppet master in it ?, man…that aoe swarm was very bad…lol.

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You can outrange it.

he did have it…until the hotfixes…lol. players were taking zer down with him tanking, then the hotfixes came out, ruined it for everyone that did not get the chance to kill him early on.