Delves are Good for the Community

Delves are amazing. I like doing them solo, testing my merit in tiers up to 11 on different characters (though at this point doing 8 of them a week for full vault can be consuming as I no longer need champion gear from them, but still would like a full vault).

However, I’m not here to talk about how much I like Delves, but why I specifically like Delves and how I see the potential good impact they are causing for the player base via my perspective and experience with this game. I started playing in BC and got all the way to Hyjal raid as a 16/17 y/o kid. In WotLK I was in a progression guild and pounded through Nax 10/25 along with Ulduar. Then real life started. I got a job, had to work a lot, met new friends. I got pulled away from WoW a lot and had to stick with PvP as what I thought was my only means of time well spent. (I didn’t have hours to spend in raid, but could find a quick partner to heal in 2s or 3s if I wanted). Fast forward to Legion and I thought “Heck yeah, I can do some PvE again that’s not super time consuming!”, but the game had evolved at that point and so had life as well and I tried to keep up progression wise and just never could do enough Mythic+s in time to remain a good candidate for the raids I was looking at. So, after realizing this, in SL, I PREPARED. I did all the M0s that first week, and was putting in so much time and I even got to raid! I killed Sire Denathrius on normal after pugging into a group one night after my guild’s raid didn’t go so hot. I felt good, but the next week another person filled my raid spot cus their ilvl was way above me (at the time a rogue), because what? I shafted myself by not doing enough M+ the week before. I left WoW again cus w/e and returned from time to time to try and collect mogs from LFR. DF went similar but I went the PvP route instead and just got bored after a few weeks running the same RBGs and waiting in queues for Solo Shuffle.

However, Delves have made TWW an amazing experience for me. I’ve not run as many M+s as I want, but the delves have allowed me to keep up with progression by being able to login do a Delve and log out during times I don’t even have 30+ min to play. No queuing for M+s for 30 min to get in the group and waste my time or get fearful I wont have time anymore and just log off. I’m in a progression guild again due to being able to maintain an ilvl/dps needed to remain current (I’m actually top 2-3 dps in each pull in my preferred class which I know is performing well right now), but it feels awesome to be able to play ALL the content I want to play again cus I can keep up during the limited time I have to play outside of pre-determined raid nights I have scheduled around.

Maybe it’s me now being in my 30s having better time management, or maybe Delves have allowed me to pop on for 30 min to get a decent piece of gear, but my experience of this x-pack has been amazing and I think it’s because of Delves allowing me this. Perhaps I’m wrong, though. The raid seems easier than what I’ve experienced in the past, but I can get into higher M+s cus my ilvl from that initial delves boost.

Sorry, I’ve written a book here (it’s part of my nature), but I wanted others’ opinions on this train of thought. I understand maybe some gear from delves is too high (t8 better than heroic raid vault is wild), but I think delves allow more people to maintain an ilvl needed for progression allowing a lot more players to participate in all of the content TWW has to provide. Thoughts? Agreements? Arguments against? Really interested in what others are thinking.


I’m eager for more delves. I’m bummed something like delves came out this late in the game, past expansions had some cool aesthetics and themes for different delves.
I’m pacing myself with delves so I don’t burn myself out on them. Mostly just doing them on my two main characters.


I agree. Delves and follower dungeons have allowed me to try classes/specs/rotations I otherwise would not have.


Delve’s are fantastic!


I like the idea of solo challenge content but Delves are a pretty boring design atm

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I’m excited to see what future iterations will be like.

Like it’s easy to picture Last Titan’s - Northrend has plenty of caves, and I’m sure they’ll be full of undead and probably some Nerubian stuff again (after two years of Midnight I’m sure we’ll miss it) but I have no idea what kind of cave exploration Midnight will have. Maybe void portal incursions? :dracthyr_shrug:

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If Martin Scorsese had invented Delves, he would call it “Absolute cinema”

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They’ve been a great way to gear alts nice and fast to jump into M+

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I find them rote and boring, stripping the perception of social interaction and shared experience guts the core gameplay.

Idk If they’re good for the community but they’re sure good for my alts

im trying out the ele shaman. ive only been playing enhance. There are like tons of spells and totems… no clue what im doing. i read about their rotation but when ur moving pretty fast from one mob to the next half the spells seem to be on cd still. kinda clueless atm lol.

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I thought Elemental was one of the most basic. Keep fire dot up. Lighting for single mob, shock/fireblast when proc; chain lightening for groups, quake when proc. Pop elemental totem for bosses.

The rest are support totems, like poison, fear, etc cleansing.

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Somehow you managed to make that far more understandable then from where i was reading about it lol! Thank You

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Oh, thank you. I’m glad I was able to help.

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Delves are great.

I’ve been almost exclusively a solo player since the end of BC. I rarely have more than an hour that I can just sign on and play, so delves and follower dungeons have been amazing for me!!!

And I love, love that I can get a piece of gear every week from the great vault now!!! Hoorah!!!


Same. I’m having a good time so far. I go out and chase various things in the open world, do a delve or two, head back out.

Over the weekend I helped some Druids get the Whiskerfish aquatic form out of Amirdrassil. Then back to delving.


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Delves are great. Love them. My fave so far is Underkeep with the aboms. The sheer joy of blitzing around using my Rogue kit to snatch the objectives while kiting pursuing mobs thru the craze aboms to kill them so I don’t have to fight is just chef’s kiss

More of this guys. Gameplay freed from the conventions that have calcified over the games 2 decades. Get crazy with it. Give us delves that are like old Classic Dire Maul size to explore with cool secret paths and more then one way to complete it.

Or delves that are puzzles or profession bases. Imagine a delve that is a fishing expedition or a delve that requires you to travel to Pandaria to do an Iron Chef style thing.

Delves could be a way to re-integrate old world content or locations.