Delves are amazing

So many Delves lovers here.


Buddy, try breaking each thought into its own sentence. It all bled over and made no sense.


I had to double check this wasnt the EU forums.


hey mon petit maudit l’anglais c’est pas ma premiere langue, donc tes petits commentaires de manure tu peut te les gardé ok ?


Pretty sure the French have paragraphs.


Omelette du Fromage


I’m ready.

Viva la revolution. Even the French are fed up.

End. The. Crest. Cap

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Get out of here French boy , your croissants are too salty :angry:

Or what. Tell me more.

I read the title as to mean that the “make” utility somehow ruined the game.

as in blizzard had it’s own in-house version of make and it choked so some binary wouldn’t compile

:slight_smile: anyway, I read the OP and see what they meant

Of course you feel burned out. You are no lifing the game for crying out loud.

Don’t treat the game like a job or an addiction and you’ll have more fun.


There is some truth to what you are saying, but competing is all this game has left, M+, getting big keys, raider io score and parsing in raid. what esle is there in this game ?

It’s not a question of what else but rather the rate of content consumption. I won’t get ksm until close to the end of season 1 and I have fun everytime I play. You aren’t having fun and are burned out.

Burn out has to do with how much you play, not the game itself.

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This… indicative of that stupid go go go attitude… Not only while in content, but with content. I’m sooooo glad for delves. Takes me an hour to do one, but while I’m there I fish in a pool, I get up to use the loo, I scan tv channels.

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Ensuite, apprenez peut-être la structure appropriée des phrases en anglais avant de publier sur un forum principalement anglophone. Il existe des forums européens où vous pouvez exprimer vos plaintes dans votre langue maternelle et faire passer votre message. Votre message était difficile à lire et j’étais l’une des personnes les plus gentilles qui auraient pu vous le signaler.

God google translate sure is a blessing.

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Il y a juste un probleme avec sa ma tête carré,je ne suis pas européens, je suis canadian, donc ta recomendation tu peut te la mettre la ou le soleil ne brille pas <3 il n’y a pas juste les US en amerique mon cher monsieur.