Delver's Reagents Tuning - October 9

It bottomed out the market on the most expensive crafting reagent pretty quickly.

It does indeed.

so in a way… you are saying that not only does blizzard support botting because it pads their numbers but they intentionally make things in game artificially rare just so that people feel compelled to buy a wow token with real money to sell for gold so they can buy the items… blizzard is a disgusting company. and their “mee too” bs is nothing compared to their anti consumer practices.

remember the older FB games that actually did have rankings for CC (credit card) players?

I was playing Mafia Wars back then and ran into a few “Diamond” ranked players.

Meaning they were spending like over $500 a month to buy loot and power items.

I haven’t been on FB since Mafia wars and Farmville shutdown. They were the only reason I even had a FB account so not sure if thats still case with FB games or not.

On my server they are around 2k I think now. Not bad actually. I think they lowered because farming is more easier the more points you put into each individual ore. On my farmer I think I have 10 now farmed right now since it is easier to get a full one from a node.

I imagine it will drop even lower the more time that goes by and people max out each ore so all have a chance to drop a full one.

Yes Null Stones are now 4x more than a Profane Tinderbox. Think they also adjusted the world drop rate for Tinderboxes. Before the patch today I wasn’t getting any during my daily matt farming. Got 4 of them today plus enough other items to trade for at least two more.

You mean you think the drop rate for null stones has increased?

They are quite available if you focused your mining profession correctly. At this point you should have full Null Stones from both Bismuth and Ironclaw ore deposits. If not, then you invested your points wrong.

Like everything else with Delves, having rare profession materials primarily drop from delves was both a bad idea and poorly executed.