Delver's Journey not progressing at all

It’s explicitly stated that ALL Delves give Delver’s Journey progress.


Not Bountiful, not above a certain tier.


So why are there now multiple threads about people not getting any progress?


i havent even reached the first checkmark. its bugged i think and i only read it here in the bug forum or on reddit. not a single word from blizzard


I don’t really get what’s going on here or why more people are not talking about it. I’ve done a mess of delves with what appears to be almost no progress.

Where and how are we supposed to progress this bar and why are the mentions of it in game not accurate? “Open heavy chests, get journey progress”

Just finished a 7, no progress. I always kill every mob I can find and do the special encounters. Killed boss, opened 2 chests, got a mushroom and a couple crests. They are barely worth doing since Brann can’t gain exp from regular delves.

What gives?


Been doing Delves. Not even reached the first Delve Progress checkpoint cause the bar refused to go up no matter what delves I do! Feels like a huge bug they need to fix asap!

My husband and I have been doing delves both solo and with others. I have done a bit over 20 delves and he has done 12. I have focused on bountiful delves, where he has just done regulars with maybe one or two bountiful. He is close to progressing to level 2 on the Delver’s Journey and I, who have done more, am stuck not quite halfway to the first level. I haven’t been able to report a bug or seen any response from Blizzard on the forums. Anyone else heard anything?

i’m one tick away from completing it, but i did a like 5 bountiful on +8 and did not get the tiny last bit to finish it…wonder if there is something specific u gotta do first.

How are you 1 tick away from completing it?

I’m no where near that close.

starting to think this is bugged and cuz I’m only like 3 rewards in and my progress seems to have come to a halt also.

edit: Just checked.

I have 56 delves done and 32 bountiful keys used.

I’m 3 1/2 ticks on the meter for DJ (Delvers Journey)

Maybe it’s a mistake in the description; I’ve managed to increase my progress, but I only do Bountiful Delves.

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by doing bountiful ones only, the bar is literary full but it wont complete.

How many?

and did you have keys for all of them?

sorry for all the questions and thank you for your replies :slight_smile:

In my case, I’ve done approximately 30 at level 8+, all with a key, and I’m on the third reward (and yes, I’ve claimed them).

based on my achievements i done 91 bountiful ones with the keys. maybe it requires 100?

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WoW 91 keys.

I keep running out of them.

I’m out now and only have 4 echoes.

Thank you for the info.

Looks like I need to find more ways to get keys.

I’m not sure, but I think progress is shared across your account, so maybe using the keys from alts?


It is shared so makes sense.

I don’t have the time to invest in more than 1 main rn.

My 2nd toon is my gather so I’m not broke :slight_smile:

It’s got like 5 keys and barely i571 gear.

I could delve with it, but then I wouldn’t be using my game time for that one to farm and make my gold.

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yes i been running them on 3 characters only, and i only do 8+ delves, i have cleared all the way to 11 though.

in the exact same place. been stuck there since yesterday. Ran 4-5 bountiful today . No further progress despite having keys on all and opening the chest. (85 Chests opened across multiple toons)

i wonder if there is a weekly cap or some sort.

I just did Fungal Folly [with my mage] and received no Delver’s Journey

i decided to do a one more bountiful key today and it finally showed a check mark next to the last box. so i guess it completed, but no achievement or nothing. I check vendor, and the key discount does apply now, selling for 1k currency.