Delver's Crawl: Earthcrawl Mines - Can't complete quest

Picked up a random quest for this delve. I completed the delve twice in a row, once with the bonus reward at the end, and again without the bonus. And in both cases, I couldn’t complete the quest I was given. I wasn’t in a group or a raid either.


Yup same, can’t finish it despite doing it twice.


Same here as well. Completed Earthcrawl Mines and in the quest log, the quest text is gone but the title of the quest is still there. Tried it twice. I haven’t bothered trying the other two I picked up yet, in case it just does the same thing again

edit: Came back the next day and tried again and it worked this time. Did like Iiliania suggested and clicked through all of Brann’s options as well but didnt actually change anything

Try clicking the supplies outside the delve and change brann’s role. It helped a few of my alts complete theirs.

Same…did this yesterday and then again today. Quest will not finish.

Also completed it twice, once during the opening quest line for the Isle of Dorn, and once after that - quest still wont complete.

Same issue as the others in this thread.

Same issue. I did the Earthcrawler Mines just now and it didn’t work. :frowning: Please fix it!

same here :confused:

same here, did it twice, quest has nowhere to turn in even though it shows no objective on the tracker.

Same here, did it twice. 80k XP would’ve been nice too considering the other ones that worked were 1/4th that XP.

I attempted this delve this morning for the quest (Delver’s Call: Earthcrawl Mines) and it will not show the bar fill up as I clear away the webs, nor will the door open at the end of the corridor allowing me to venture further into the delve - I have tried about 5 times, including logging out and some suggestions in this thread (changing Brann’s stats) - doesn’t work. Fix it please.

/edit - corrected name of quest

just tried it again this morning, worked this time, so guess they fixed it?