Delver's Bounties don't exist for some players

In my group of guildmate/friends who also Delve, there is either you get them or you don’t. You have 6-8 or you’ve gotten 0, this isn’t a “My freind got 2 more than I did and I only got 1” post, this is “Myself and a handful of others have gotten NO Delver’s Bounties AT ALL, after several days of Bountiful Delves” But others have gotten SEVERAL. It’s all or nothing for certain players it seems and there doesn’t seem to be any clear information on this.

Yes the Delves were bountiful.
We did Delves both as a group and solo.
No, there isn’t a Bounty in our banks or inventory that we forgot was there. We all checked.

Personally, I’m about 32 keys deep across 3 characters and have gotten NOT A SINGLE Delve Bounty. And this is echoed by several others I’ve seen, while others get them almost every run.