Delve: Zekvir solo

I know that Zekvir was nerfed big time a few days ago, but i am still having a TON of trouble soloing him. I GET the mechanics:

  1. dodge shockwave AND fear
  2. kill egg when it spawns before it hatches
  3. murder zekvir

but ive tried as resto/feral and guardian. My survivability to damage ratio is best as guardian as i can put out about 300k dps average at 611 ilvl but have more self heals. I use brann as a healer with porcelain arrow and amorphus relic (have tried several combos) but i am struggling to get the egg down. The issue is those dang stuns are TOOO LONG. 4-5 seconds for a stun when he does an instant kill shockwave every couple seconds is too much, i only have two interrupts as a druid and have to use one of them on zek vir occasionally, its like there is no way i have enough dps to down the egg ( i get close) but that spider stuns and i cannot interrupt. Mostly because i have to then m ove out of the shockwave and the spider hangs back and casts it web stun which even if i make it out of the shockwave, i get stunned and get banged by the next shockwave in the face.

i could TOTALLY do this EVEN BEFORE nerfs if it wasnt for the super long stuns that you cannot get out of, druids can shapeshift out of most but not these. You just cant have a 5 second stun AND an instant kill shockwave in solo content because classes without good interrupts and mobility are going to suffer big time.

If anyone has any idea what i am doing wrong or what i can do better let me know, i am 611ilvl, Elunes Chosen. I DO know rotation and abilities and i save lunar beam for the egg and just try to burst it tdown but ol zekky boi makes me move every time, and his shocks dont seem to affect the egg anymore.

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Use typhoon as a quasi interrupt
Lose improved stampede and grab Fluid Form
Use Fluid Form as a remove poison for snare
Try to stand at max melee range (Zek will move in a yard or two) to make Fear easier to manage
Set Brann to DPS. Our survivability/heals should be fine

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Are we talking about “?” difficulty or “??” ?
I went in blind at 593 as feral and one shot it but this was when bran was super OP. Went in yesterday on “?” and smoked him in 3 minutes. Im yet to try him since the nerfs but from what i’ve read it makes the egg spawn in random locations now so you shouldnt get the shockwave and egg spawn overlap.

Shift the dot as it removes it. Have not tried it as bear but give it another go as feral and bran as dps. Use ferals speed to run away and get a few heals in when hes casting if you need it, dont forget your free regrowths while in kitty, they heal a good chunk of hp. Take moonfire to get some damage in at range if need be, feral frenzy for burst on eggs. Save tigers fury for eggs

Not sure what else to tell you tbh…we’re the same ilvl so gear isnt the issue.

Edit: ok looking at your gear…why do you have a caster staff and caster enchants? or is it a case of the armory hasnt updated?

Going to assume Resto main

So i just sucessfully got the let me solo him achievment on druid. I did it as boomy using keeper hero talents at 605 ivl. The best advice i can give you is to rely on tree. Every time an egg pops, drop trees on top of zekvir and just full pump into the egg. The other thing that is very important is with the amorphus relic, just reset if you don’t get the small buff. the small buff is so important for mobility in this fight, im sure its possible without it, but way harder. 600 ivl should be enough to kill the egg every time it spawns as long as you are tracking the cooldown of the ability and pulling astral power for it.

Was easy as guardian at 595 with dps brann. For balance it was a lot harder, simply because of the auto attacks and not the mechanics. I had to go with healer brann to offset the damage, it took twice as long to kill because of trying to survive the auto’s.

Had to save trees for add, also slowed down the dps.

Went in as feral with healer brann level 36, Used Porcelain 1/4 - Amorphous 1/4. 3 minute kill.

  • Shift the dot to remove it, brann always dispels the first one.
  • Dodge Frontals
  • Dodge fear
  • Slowly waddle to cocoons and just spam rake/moonfire and feral frenzy on them for easy kill
  • Run over potions for brann and always heal yourself with regrowth

Killed it at 590 to show my friend how easy it was took 3 convokes doing it slow by saving things for cocoons, then did it in main gear (622) and killed it in 1 minute 8 seconds.

Is the ?? mode even possible to solo as a resto druid? I seem to pull aggro off Brann when doing anything at all, and I barely have the dps to kill the egg before it hatches.

I can’t heal myself AND dps the egg down when I pull aggro.

before it’s baorn?

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Im going to assume you’re attempting ?? Difficulty

First thing I would work on is your dps. Should be about double where you are with gear available today. Focus on your weapon upgrade first and foremost.

Brann can’t be DPS anymore with his massive nerfs last week (unless you’re playing healer). He dies in about 3 hits and you will to.

I did a ?? Zekvir kill solo around ilvl 610 on my dev evoker. Below are some tips I can share from my experience.

  1. Make a talent build specifically for him.
  2. Have brann throw down a campfire (spam heals to lower your mana and he’ll place one down). Use it for 10 seconds to gain 5% main stat. You can use this in addition to all your other personal buffs.
  3. Save your interrupt for the heal only. You can shift out of form and back in for caustic spittle to remove it (its removed by anything that removes movement impairing effects). Side note: Brann seems to have roughly a 1 minute timer for his clense. He should be able to get rid of every other spittle.
  4. Save at least one cooldown for each egg. I’d suggest feral frenzy bare minimum. Add one cooldown, as needed, if you’re still having trouble (i.e. tigers fury, berserk, on-use trinket). Just don’t use everything. Also, I would highly suggest picking up Lunar Inspiration since Zekvir will very often do area-of-denial attacks when you’re on an egg.
  5. Don’t pick up all of Brann’s potions at the same time. Most people dont know they have a heal-over-time component. Think of it like Regrowth in a bottle. If done properly, at no point in the fight should you feel threatened to use a defensive. Self healing should still be used, but it shouldn’t be prioritized otherwise nothing will die.

Best of luck.

I attempted ?? as feral yesterday for the first time. 606 item level, doing plenty of damage for the encounter, but I’m made of paper. Got a tick of spittle just before shifting back to cat to drop the dot, then a crit melee just deleted me :rofl:.
Fwiw, I’ve done ?? On a couple of other classes, but figured I’d drag my old druid in there since a friend challenged me to do it. I was not expecting to take more damage than my dh, monk, or dragon…but yeah, I got shredded by melee.
I’ll get it done as bear or balance I figure. It was just a funny contrast to my other toons showing me how much of a glass cannon feral has become. No problems killing the eggs or doing damage to Zek at the same time. But I’ll be… freakin melee took me out lol.

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This is the problem Ive been having trying to do ?? on Feral, we really are just made of whip cream and bubblegum! I’ve come close, like 40% on multiple pulls, but my fun always comes to an end as soon as I get double crit or am waiting for convoke or feral frenzy to finish casting on egg and take a single tick of spittle and get wiped out for my greed.

Worst case scenario is if I’m trying to get an egg down and instead of casting anything, Zekvir will come over and just melee me the entire time – I can switch to bear and iron fur, but then that risks not getting enough DPS out on the egg, and it all falls apart when I lose my cool.

It’s so tight and punishing of any single mistake, I can’t tell if I’m just super bad at the game now or if feral druid is just hard mode lol


This is what i’ve encountered the few times ive taken kitty in there as well.
But I did notice a pattern. He only has a small window where he bothers with melee attacks (and always a crit that takes 75% of my life in a single swing)

Just gotta save the potions and DR for that time