Delve / Vault row not reporting accurately

Post reset I’ve successfully done 4 T8 delves. The delve / vault UI is showing T8 in the first slot and T1 in second. So, it’s acknowledging 4 completed, but not the correct tier.

I should see both of the first two delve / vault slots as T8, and I’m sure you can verify that.

I’m having the same issue. Glad to know it’s not just me.

Same issue here. I’ve only just now started Delving this week, so 1 T8 clear, but did all my other weekly world stuff earlier today. It’s showing all Tier 1 for all 3 slots currently, not even acknowledging my T8.

I am also having the same issue… The annoying part is that we don’t have the same list to track the Delves we’ve done similar to the tool tip that pops up for the keys you’ve done. Makes me feel like I’m going crazy but I know for damn sure that I wouldn’t even touch T1 delves anymore. C’mon Blizz.

Looks like they are having database issues all over the place.

After doing T8 delves, ours is just showing as 4 Tier 1 Delves or World Activities. We did do the Theatre Troupe and Spreading the Light, but we would much rather have our Delve loot than any of those.

for your issue specifically, you would need to complete two T8 delves to get the first slot to show up as T8, as that slot requires 2 activities to complete, and it picks from the lowest.