Sometimes I forget my Demon Hunter is hated there for that same reason. Those little Bruisers are tough! One of these days I’ve got to get him back in their good graces.
Since many ppl likely have 10K garrison resources and a full cache on multiple toons it costs nothing but garrison resources to make Draneic Water Breathing pots. Buy 2 fish types with resources at your trading post. Any toon not an Alchemist can pop them in the warbank. The Alchemist crafts away and stuffs the pots into the warbank. Any toon can pop the warbank at the start of a delve and pull out a couple of pots. Good to go.
I don’t think you fully read what I wrote.
It DOES work.
But only initially.
What USED to happen (week1), was that you equipped the fishing pole and … you had water breathing! That was it! Easy cheesy buff!
But some time after week1 (week2/ later week2), it was changed so that you equip the pole and get water breathing… but that as soon as you leave combat (after your first fight) you LOSE THE BUFF.
So you have to unequip it, and re-equip it to get the buff again.
Which is annoying, but ok fine free buff… EXCEPT, I had a situation where I was locked in combat and couldn’t get out, and so I couldn’t refresh the buff.
I stopped bothering with fishing poles after that.
But you still had the buff the whole time, right? (Because it stays during combat, and disappears after combat.)
Oh my gosh…I thank you, thank you! Thank you for sharing info on the addon. I never knew it existed.
No, because I’m trying to be brief.
It was an odd series of events where I was in and out of combat, and in the last of that swapping of combat, I ended up STUCK in combat… which locked me out of the buff.
Bottom line is that the fishing poles don’t work as easily as just equipping them. Not anymore.
OMG this is perfect lol tehee ssshhhhh do not tell bliz teh salt will be thick. FUn detected
I started playing at 5:45 yesterday and before 6:30, my buff was gone. Between my starting time and 7:15, I went through 2 of the buffs, being buffless again at the 7:15 time. I doesn’t last a full 3 hours on my rogue. She never died during that time. I was just doing open world play, not logging or getting DCd. What am I doing wrong? lol
Does applying the weapon poisons remove the health buff?
That should be an easy thing to test for.
I’d do so myself, more datapoints is good, but I literally don’t have any rogues.
The buff no longer works on raids, I havent tested on dungeons of any kind, but delves it does work
You can also use a bandage
She was doing dungeons to finish out level 79, so maybe they don’t work in dungeons.
I just did a T7 bountiful but I don’t have any more keys.
At the end I got 4 Carved Harbinger crests from the 2 small chests.
The 2 runed are in the big chest I didn’t have a key for.
So we can’t farm bountifuls for runed crests without keys.
If you have " Harbinger of the Carved" achieve you can trade 90 carved for 15 runed tho.
At 4 carved per bountiful it’s going to take a while though.
Or, just be a warlock/have a warlock buddy to go with you. >.>