** Delve TIP **

i didn’t even think of this lol. I’ve just been putting my Deepdive helmet of after combat to refill the meter.

if you’re a druid you can use travel form too, and my friend had an undead mage who still couldn’t drown in the delve.

I read about 50 replies, a ton of which are for the Mastercraft fishing pole.

But I started out using the Legendary Angler pole from Legion … and at least it was nerfed. It used to be you equip it and … you get underwater breathing.

After the first week (2?) since release, as soon as you equip it, yes, you get underwater breathing. But the VERY NEXT TIME you leave combat, you will lose the buff.

Now… you can just equip your tWW/another pole, and re-equip the water breathing one and it will reapply the buff … but, this is stupid. Why should I have to juggle this gear for this buff??

I haven’t heard anyone mention this about the Mastercraft pole, but I can’t imagine it’s any different.

Seems to me the best/easiest solution is to just make underwater breathing pots. Way, WAYYYYYY cheaper than buying them off the AH, and … sorry, I just don’t want to bother with drinking Nogginfogger 10+ at a time just trying to get the one buff that I actually want. Crafting my own ACTUAL underwater buff is how I’d rather do it.

But I’d still like to know about the Mastercraft pole. Not for nothing, but it shouldn’t be BETTER than the Legion Legendary one; and the Legion one doesn’t really work the way people here think it does.

Fun detected, inc nerfs.

*noggenfoggers requires level 69 and below
*delves clear buffs on zoning in

Cheaper than 31s for 5 of noggenfogger?

First time in 20 years theyve been useful except for use as a gag

yep these will get a zone tag next patch

The draenor underwater breathing pots are pretty good (last’s whole delve, less to worry about, unless you die), I actually stock 100+ and hand out 2 to each party member at the start of underwater delves - its just not worth my time to have people die to that mechanic.

The one of the few times the Forsaken racial of not having to breathe becomes S tier

Depends on the Warlock, those of a more canine or vulpine nature are more likely to be happy to help with a good headpat and a thank you

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Thanks. I dont mind doing the mechanics. They are easy to me anyway and more fun. I like challenges. Without them, Delves are boring.

I can make underwater breathing pot i think from alchemy but i chose not to.

Oh snap, i dont have a problem with water ones, but its nice to know, they will likely fix this since people will start using it

I dunno, I haven’t checked, but I’m guessing it costs 5g to make Draenor ones? In modern WoW, 5g = 31s.

Certainly when I’m the kind of person that keeps a running bank of all mats on various alts.

You name it, I got 500-1000 of it. And it’s PRECISELY for things like this. When Blizzard throws us a curve ball and outdated things suddenly come back in fashion and usefulness, I don’t care about current market prices or having to go out and farm something I already spent a whole expac farming— I have it sitting there waiting for me in my various banks.

Need 500 Water Breathing pots? Sure, just gimme 5mins.

Doesn’t everyone just throw old mats on an alt for things like this?? lol Then you’re never at the mercy of the AH. You already have everything you need! :slight_smile:


Darn I was hoping you could do it 20 times in a day and that it stacked.

How does the Legion one not work as people think it does? It still works same as always did if the fishing gear buff is on.

Ever since the Profession Rework where there is profession gear, the ‘special effects’ of profession gear items (fishing pole for fishing) only works if the Fishing Gear buff is on.

You can get that buff a couple ways, unequipping & re-equipping the rod from the fishing gear page still works for the Legion Angler or any rod, fishing briefly even if it is just to toss the line and then move on does, and there is also a great addon that automatically does it when getting in water specifically for the Legion Angler Rod.

Example of all three, have map open at the start to show the recording was made in War Within:

Thank you! I like delves because they aren’t timed but the underwater ones definitely add a “time limit”.

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There’s an npc in the spider zone that sells a potion fir under 10g that gives 125% swim speed and underwater breathing for 1 min. When I get home I will post location and name. I just started the quest line from that NPC.
Al’kubian - NPC - World of Warcraft (wowhead.com)

Atomized Salien Slime - Item - World of Warcraft (wowhead.com)

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As mentioned by Bludleddr it does still work in TWW, but takes a little extra work since the profession rework with the profession gear pages since it only works if the Fishing Gear buff is up.

From my post a couple above:

That depends on who is doing the grabbing. My Battle Mommy can do any kind of grabbing…

Giant portal opens up and an angry 4 armed demon comes out. All four fits fly into Vladymir’s face Burying him in the ground

“I told you to stop calling me that…” And she skips back through the portal.

All that can be heard is the slight moan of pain and brokenness from the hole left by Vlad’s body.

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6 armed***

Huh… I only ever see four… Probably cause she knocks me out so fast… Wow what a woman…

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:triangular_flag_on_post:Fun Detected!:triangular_flag_on_post: