my last vault slot still shows 623-tier 1!, after Ive done 3 delves, and one of them was a tier 8.
you need 8 total T8+ delves to get all 3 slots capped at 649.
If you’ve only done 3 delves, and only 1 was a T8 the remaining slots are looking at the basic world content I assume you’ve done to get coffer keys.
Remember each of the three Vault slots uses the lowest content level at each breakpoint.
2 activities for the 1st slot
4 activities for the 2nd slot
8 activities for the 3rd slot
if you want a fully capped 3 649 slots in your vault, you need to run 8 T8+ delves for the week.
the last vault slot still isnt updating, still shows 623!. something is broken.