Delve queue in LFG

Could we get delves added to the LFG queue UI so we can queue up for a delve without physically having to go to the entrance?


We absolutely need this.


I actually like delves the way they are part of the world and there is a seamless transition going into them that makes it natural where queueing would take that aspect away.


We should still be able to walk in normally. But say you log in and you’re in Dornogal and want to do a bountiful delve but it’s in Hallowfall and you’re feeling lazy and dont want to fly there. Or you’re wanting to a delve with guildies but they’re spread out all over the place.

You’d still need a way to specify what tier of delve you want to do though. Alternatively, maybe put an NPC in Dornagol that can port you to the delves. I’m just seeing if we can make getting to them a little easier.


The idea for a queuing system isnt terrible.
I do wonder how, after unlocking portals and elevators it takes more than a couple minutes to get to a delve.
Is it really a big deal?

Id say no.
Fly = Fun.
Lazy= Long term player degradation with systems. Giving the players everything isnt always the best option.

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Regardless of having it in que we will still stop doing them after a while. And having to move to each one of them with my alts it’s a no go for me at least.

Maybe after you complete them all you get the que option or something like this?

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I don’t think Delves need an LFG but they could use a portal equivalent for the season if more are planned for next patch or expansion. The Walk-in does keep them unique as is for they’re part of the world.