If you’re using the Pacifist Rig (mine is level 1/4) and Brann as healer, if the Rig spawns, and combat ends while the rig is still active, it screws up Brann’s ability to detect combat somehow. Basically the next time you enter combat, he will not throw healing potions at all, until you kill the things and go out of combat again, at which point he’ll immediately throw healing pots.
Bumping this and adding many more issues I’ve encountered with the Pacifist Rig:
-Can cause a DC when entering or exiting the rig
-On pet classes, can make delve end bosses in combat despawn when entering the rig (I think it’s due to the pets despawning)
-The cheat death capability doesn’t seem to reset immediately when you finish a delve… it’s still on cooldown if you do another delve immediately afterward, and only resets after you finish that subsequent delve.
Also, not necessarily a bug, but frequently when I enter the rig, all mobs aggro on Brann and immediately kill him if he’s not specced tank, which is really annoying.
OMG yes please get this fixed ASAP! Especially now that the nerfs to Brann are making it tougher for healers to do delves.