The “required chore” complaints are why vendor/rep loot, world quest, and heroic loot was all nuked to oblivion. God forbid raiders have to do something they don’t want to.
Though in the case of Delves, it seems most of the complaints about its loot are coming from M+ players, not raiders.
Probably just shouldn’t have had keys be available in pre season.
We’ll see how the cadence is in Season 2, since there won’t be a pre season or “heroic week”. Just everything coming out the day after S1 ends and probably a reset on keys.
We also had WAY more crests than we usually do, because they let us obtain weathered and carved crests before season start. Meaning every champ and veteran track item was effectively 606 ilvl by default.
Gearing this season has been ludicrously fast across the board, with extreme disparities between content difficulty and ilvl reward. The result of which has been people rocketing through the ilvl curve and being deposited infront of content they are not prepared / ready for with little recourse but to complain.
I think it is a little low for what it is. Given that its a limited resource I think it should be easier or it should reward better loot for its difficulty.
I think they should revamp the key system. Maybe to something similar to how M+ keys work. So that we build it up to the next tiers. And maybe we need a couple few more tiers, too. Sort of lengthen that middle portion and smooth out the difficulty jump. Give more for people to do.
Granted, that would mean each alt has to work their key up and the system now just unlocks it all for alts… so that may not go over well.
I’m not sure. I just feel like there needs to be a better way to smooth this out for seasonal progression.
You were complaining about how it shouldn’t be possible to blast through 8s day one and I disagree with you hence here we are.
I will concede to you that it shouldn’t be possible before the launch of m+ though, should be released on the same day to avoid people gearing up before the other content even launches.
There’s nothing wrong with gearing fast, but as you said it is a problem when it’s possible before all the content releases as it trivialized some, which is why it should release as the same time to avoid this as much.
Fair enough but players should get used to other systems coming into the games future that are seperate and reward good gear that might trivialize other content.
Again, the gear is fine. The implementation of season long content that people devoured in a day is the issue. Because it means there are people who are now “done.” Even my solo friends, half or more are done. They see no reason to continue.
I wish it wasn’t like that. I wish it was more akin to how people continually want to run M+.
Probably sounds lame to many if you, but I’m struggling with tier 6 (5 in some cases) with 580 ilvl. Delves are my endgame as I will not set foot in an LFR or Mythic. It’s going to take me the rest of the season just to hit 600. Which is a fine goal for me.
Which is good! I wish it was like this for more people. I’d love to see a system smoothed out where we’re all on our own journeys, but all have the whole season to look forward to continuing it.
To be clear when I say gearing fast I’m mostly talking about the crest and crafting systems. Getting 590s for every slot with perfect stats from flying through glowing balls, and a 610 weapon for winning a single epic BG was absolutely not on my bingo card before TWW released.
All of this put people in a position to blitz delves given their relatively soft difficulty compared to ilvl requirement.
And that’s why it’s fine the way it is now, a small percentage of the overall playerbase finds these easy and so it might trivialize other content they do hence they complain and want it nerfed, but the majority of this games player base are people like you who will take a long time to do this so I will continue to argue that it’s fine the way it is for those people.
This is also why the vault reward is 616 because people like you will take the entire season to gear up and need that ilvl to challenge the final delve boss which is perfectly fine, and I couldn’t care less if some higher skilled level players cry because it feels forced for them to also do it for these rewards or that it might trivialize some other content etc…
I should be clear in saying I in no way feel forced to do delves to progress. There’s 1 trinket slot I’d like to fill with delves right now but otherwise I’m just doing keys and progging the raid. I don’t want the rewards nerfed, I want delves to feel like a smoother progression from and into other content, comparable to what had existed prior to their inclusion.