Embark on a legendary narrative journey with The Heartland, a new 5-part audio novella written by Adam Christopher and narrated by Chris Metzen.
humans and orcs together = boring
I really love this idea! A free, readily-accessible novella that expands on the present narrative is a phenomenal addition for people like me who really love the universe of Warcraft and want to be able to follow the story and its world-building more easily.
That Metzen narrated it is just icing, but I do wish you had been able to get the VAs for characters like Jaina to play their roles on this, as well!
I’m hoping this will be something you carry forward into the expansion and beyond, because it’s a great way to deliver story context that you might not be able to deliver in-game.
Go back to classic wow, we lost the reason for any war ages go. The npcs work together for a long time anyway when a big threat came along.
I tried “watching” this, but it’s just an audio reading (Metzen does a great job) with the static image above. Would be nice to at least have images change. As it is, I lost interest half-way through episode 1.
“The Heartland is an absolute masterpiece! Adam Christopher’s storytelling, paired with Chris Metzen’s captivating narration, brings the World of Warcraft universe to life in a truly breathtaking way. Each part of this 5-part audio novella had me completely immersed, eagerly awaiting the next. It’s a brilliant addition to the game’s rich lore and a perfect way to celebrate 20 incredible years of WoW. I loved every moment of this narrative journey!”
I really wish this had also been posted to podcast sites in addition to YouTube. While I enjoyed it, I think I would have enjoyed it more if I could have listened to these episodes while doing errands or walking around.
Thrall, Agra, Jaina throuple confirmed
My harem shipper brain is starting to fire up with stuff like this.
Embark on a legendary narrative journey of writing lore into the game please.
You’re leaving the water elementals out?
Listened to this while making t-shirt blankets for my nieces and nephews. I am absolutely in love with Metzen’s narration! He brings the story to life as if I was reading it myself! This was a joy to listen to and as a lore nerd (or as close to one as I can be), this gave more lore to have in my brain. I love that this adds more dimension to the current expansion in a way that is accessible by all.
Please do more of these!
Found the carebear! See you in Plunderstorm!
Downloaded the PDFs to read later… They could have been one single PDF file though.
You wont be killing me in PS, I run into the storm with my loot.
My only questions are;
What did Kiro whisper to Thalyssra?
Why wasn’t Jaina’s staff taken from her when she was unconscious?
On the whole, I enjoyed the story, and I wonder if we’ll see the Spymaster with the poison arrows in game next expansion.