I strongly believe the Gilded chest at the end of T11 Delves ought to have its own “season catchup” like mechanic, as in week 1 it’s 0/3 chests that can be looted, week 2 is 0/6 and so on, up until the crest caps are lifted across all activities.
As is, solo players are unfairly singled out and are pressured to clear their three T11s each week or risk losing out on those Crests with no other recourse because their choices are limited. Yet they can hard farm and catch up with all other Crests just fine. I’m identifying this as an inconsistency compared to how other players and other activities offer these rewards. Considering the amount of Deive-provided Gilded each week (and even after caps are lifted), I don’t foresee any big negative shifts in player behavior.