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No, it doesn’t. Stop trying to feed people nonsense. Your display being lower than you can handle is not going to reduce your performance. He’s not making the most use out of his rig, that doesn’t mean it hinders his performance.

I’m saying that a $700 prebuilt computer could run 60+ fps in most games at that resolution. You basically wayyy overspent on your PC to then pair it with an outdated monitor :flushed:

No offense, but you need to a learn a little bit more about how this stuff works. :dracthyr_crylaugh:

I appreciate your attempt to help though, however much it didn’t. It’s the thought that counts.

I’m well aware how everything computer related works, I haven’t done anything but build my own computers for the last 20 years.

I guess where we differ is the word performance. You can see this is a straight up metric, with graphs and fps reports, but I prefer to see it as the overall experience a rig can deliver. Graphic fidelity is an essential part of the equation because after all… that’s what you are paying for isn’t it? That’s why I would consider your monitor a “bottleneck”, not because of FPS but in terms of what you are actually physically seeing for the money spent.

I can take my $3500 rig and put it to 480p to crank out 1000+ Fps in some games, but it would look awful. To each either own! Hopefully you figure out what your issue is - be it drivers, overheating, or addons :+1:

$2000? I also have AMD 3700x but with 32GB RAM, 6600 XT, and 500GB Sabrent SSD that is rated for 5,000 mb/sec read and I figure I spent under $1,000 with my system. DIY build is often cheaper than buying ready to use computer plus I can cut out unwanted stuff like 26 eye-melting RGB fans and LED strips.

I am playing with graphic setting at max except for shadow, and I regularly get 200+ fps with few stutters. 1920x1080 display

get a better pc

10/10 advice. Very helpful.

Now tell me how to gain immortality.

2k+ 5 years ago maybe

It was the most newly released gaming PC around the time I got it.