Deleted Post

Forums can’t be civilized lol. Thank you to the few goid-faith discussers.



Yes /10 chars. I demand it.

  1. Teldrassil
  2. Bombing of Theramore
  3. The plaguing of Lordaeron/ The Blighting of Hillsbrad and Southshore
  4. The Fall of Lordaeron and Quel’thelas.
  5. The fall of Stormwind in Warcraft 1

There are so many examples of genocide, destruction and tragic events as well as events where entire nations fell with some seeing losses as high as 90% of their populations as in Quel’thelas or 80% in Gnomeregan. The original Human population of Stormwind was reduced to a few ships with the canals filled the bodies of its citizens by the Horde.

Then you have Burning of Teldrassil or the Mana Bombing of Theramore and well the scale of death and destruction is insane. The killing of Terenas by Arthas is similar to January 6th where a ruler tries to overthrow and in this case succeed in destroying the current ruler and succeeding him…

The fall of Stormwind/Theramore/Darnassus/Lordaeron/Quel’thelas/etc. Are all major events like the Fall of the Soviet Union.


Teldrassil wasn’t blow back from the Night Elves imperialist meddling. And like what, 2 people died on Jan 6 before everyone awkwardly shuffled home once they realized they may face some serious consequences. How is that comparable to the nuclear destruction of an entire city?

The bombing of Theramore is similar to the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. An easily blockadable nation is senselessly destroyed because some evil folks were impatient about their victory and wanted to test out a shiny new weapon.


You aren’t in a position to make demands, buddy. :laughing:

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I’d rather cite the George Floyd Riots and the CHAZ insurrection (they were deadlier than Jan 6th, and were done in defiance of COVID lockdowns).

Otherwise, the Burning of Teldrassil gave me strong 9/11 vibes, and the Azshara’s Eternal Palace Raid is comparable to the fall of the USSR. An insular, tyrannical society waging a cold war and proxy wars against others. There is high reverence for the leader who worships no-one but themself. It collapses due to internal and external factors, but the driving force behind it is freed to ravage the world.

Yeah, cuz if there’s one thing WoW lore discussion needs more of, its false parallelism to controversial historical events.



It’s fun and occasionally necessary to make such connections, even if forum bigots disagree.

On today’s episode of Thinly Veiled Attempt to Provoke Political Arguments


Wow’s a political game. If you’re provoked to do anything that’s on you, bro. Also, isn’t every thread made to “provoke arguments” by the same logic lol?

Nope. Neither the game nor the forum, especially this one, are about IRL politics.

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Doesn’t have to be to make a comparison.

I’ll be clearer: I think you are desperate to drag IRL politics into discussions, and this thread is another of those attempts.


Don’t think so, but I freely admit I’ll gladly participate when someone else starts it, though. That’s been happening a lot around here for some reason lately.

As long as it’s relevant I don’t mind.

Deleted topic suggests otherwise.

I thanked the folks who discussed in good faith.