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We’re looking for some dps to join our squad.

Good afternoon,

I was wondering if you had found a guild yet, and if not, I’d like to throw our hat in the ring. We are a new guild just starting out but growing fast. We are in search of some awesome DPS and awesome people. We are an AOTC focused guild that intends on dipping into Mythic a little bit after AOTC is achieved. Anyways, my contact info is below:

Discord: Grumpymerlin Grumpymerlin#1837

The justice society is recruiting heroes! we are a somewhat new guild trying to gain new members along with making friends along the way. Raids Tues/Wed/Thurs 8 PM EST. Mythic+ runs & Mythic raid! looking for people to fill raid team. Focused on learning, teamwork & growth come join the justice society. We are currently need dps and healers!!!

you can add me on discord @ axelthorn09
or you can add me on bnet Axel#1830

Hey there! We are looking for a few raiders to fill our last mythic spots. Please reach out if you’re interested!

Hey, I’m the recruiter for . We are a 6-year old guild that’s 4/8m and raids wed/thurs 8-1030pm EST. We have a strong community and lower turnover. We spend non raid days on discord and in m+ and other games. We are a great “home”. Happy to hop into discord comi#1839.

Hello Pixxal

Polarity - US Thrall - Horde is currently recruiting a DPS Warrior, Ele Sham, Aug Evoker, Mage, and Havoc DH for Heroic Raiding and Dipping into Mythic. We are currently AOTC 8/8H NP. We are an AOTC focused guild. Raiding will commence on Wednesday and Thursday 8pm-11pm EST! We also push M+ weekly. Accepting all toons, including all gamers who just want to hang out! Send a message or inquire in-game! We Would be happy to have you join our ranks!

Bnet - DocXHoLLiday#1227
Discord - og_docxholliday3374

is a 2 day Sunday/Monday raiding guild we raid 9:30pm to 12:30am EST we’re currently 4/8M with consistent 45% pulls on Broodtwister we’re a CE focused guild comprised of Ex-CE raiders and M+ Title holders/pushers. feel free to add me and reach out! Meter#11286

Hi there Pix, you did not mention availability or where you’re at in raiding but if you happen to be on the western side of North America, you can check us out! We raid on Wed/Fri from 8 PM to 11 PM Pacific Time. We’re 7/8H and looking to start our Mythic team soon, and many in our guild are pushing high keys, so we might be a good fit for you.

Come and hop into our Discord at:

Here is our guild ad:

Dang, you still haven’t found a guild yet playaa ?

Join us =P I can accommodate a pumper boomy.