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Hello! We are currently recruiting Healers. We do also have quite a few people pushing M+ (We have a handful of KSM so far)

Progress: 7/8 N, 2/8 H

Raid Days/Times: Fri-Sat 5-8pm PST

If you wish to join a community that provides an outlet for proper raiding but still offers a casual and friendly atmosphere then we gladly extend our hand to you! Corporateā€™s main focus is to provide a comfortable place for players to participate in endgame progression. Our mission is to build a tight-knit community of friends and help each of them with their goals. We gladly welcome players, of all skill levels, a place amongst our ranks!

Our forum post:


Our contact information

Discord: Husky#4195

Battle.net: Husky#12177

Hello Kalley.
We are always looking for healers for our raid team raid times are tues wed thurs starting at 8:30ST with 7/8N and 5/8H looking to push into Mythic soon if your interested DM me @ Hotshot54#1859

Day Raiders is a new morning raid guild. We are raiding wed/Thursday 8-11 AM EST. Our current progression is 8:8N and 3/8 H. If you are interested message me.
Discord Ryaden#5511
BN Jolenar#11150