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Topic deleted easycore open world leveling

you could try playing hardcore with the addon on a traditional classic server, right?

If you like dungeon grinding, i’m really not sure HC is the best mode for you…

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You can bugger off with this.

The philosophy behind classic was the vastness of the open world and the difficulty of HC comes from the dangers throughout. By removing the restrictions on dungeons you cut out 95% of the game knowledge required to level.

Dungeon grinding your way to 60 is also much easier. Perhaps it’s because of the dungeon restrictions, but I rarely see dungeon deaths in deathlog. The vast majority of cases are those open world failures.

Stop trying to change HC because you cant handle it. With all your terrible takes on how HC should be made easier, I’m starting to think you’re just actively trolling.


well right back at you, and your “delima” ( :grimacing: ) i guess?

You understand you can grind dungeons in HC if you want right? You can’t run the same dungeon twice in a day, but you can run multiple if that’s your preferred source of leveling…just expect a very slow progression, and not really learning/gaining any game knowledge (which goes a long way in HC).

You’re essentially asking for the entire Hardcore challenge to be removed with a request like that, because let’s be real, the dungeons are not the hardest part of this game mode. There are WAY more threats out in the world, than a predictable, solved dungeon you can be carried in (especially pre-60).

Try not to die falling out in the world I guess! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Always the same moron responses. “This game isn’t for you” or the GATEKEEPING dugneon responses. Go the funk away.

hardcore mode was not meant to sit in dungeons to speed level , it was meant to be an out in the world leveling challenge from 0 to 60.


People say dungeons are to easy. People say dungeons are to hard. Make up your stupid minds.

Hardcore = don’t die. NOTHING more. It’s NOT hardmode. It’s not a caviot of rules. It means ONLY DO NOT DIE>