WTB monk pst. must know how to snipe
dont do it, nothing but a bunch of weebs… bump
uwu senpai
It’s an easy decesion once you get to know them. Bump
Also need boomkins.
looking for more!
Always willing and able to help with any class and spec! We are now 5/10 H btw. Bump
need ranged dps and a H pally!
Bump Bump Bump. Still need HPal and Ranged DPS for our core group. LETS GO!! Reach out to us! Willing to invest into any good players!
Bump, need H pally
Rizz looking for more Mages here , bump me daddy
Looking for ranged dps or 1 healer!
Bump it again
LF healer or x1 dps, to the top!
BUMP IT. Still need x1 healer or DPS that can work with our raid times. Pushing into mythic VERY SOON.
looking for a h pally and strong dps!
to the top!
Is anyone able to even play hpal? Prove me wrong if you are a free agent.
wtb h pally or flex healer!
bump-de-bump Join us