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Looking for dps, come on guys I know your out there, and we need dps its a perfect fit… Come join us raid times are Wed/Thurs 9:30 -11:30pm EST

Still looking

Pushing AOTC, running mythics, bgs, anything you could want in a guild

Still looking

Our raid team members have AOTC for season 1 DF. We are also helping guildies get KSM achievements and gearing alts in mythics and alt raids. Come join us and make some new gaming friends.

Recruiting Dps and healers come join a AOTC group and have some fun.

If you’re interested please feel free to also message me!
Discord: CtrFreek762#7260
BTag: CtrFreek762#1110

Still looking come join the fun with Exiles of Proudmoore

Forming raid group for 10.1.0. Get in on the AOTC action and join us.

Still on the look for R Druid?

We got someone leveling one up right now but we can always use 2

Bit of a bump, feel free to message me in game to chat. :smile:

Still looking time till 10.1 is getting shorter claim your raid spot today.

Feel free to reach out to me in game for invites

Do you guys do keys by chance? I play every healer, but had planned on maining my priest this season. I generally play Disc, but am just as good at Holy. I can also play shadow, if needed.

Disc or Holy is fine with us we want you to play what you find most fun. And yes we have a few people that do keys, and I’m recruiting more at the moment.

A bit bumpy but good over all

Still looking we got room on the raid team still.

Still recruiting.