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(Edited: I have came to the conclusion that my information was wrong and it seems to be a monthly login instead of daily. Leaving this note so the thread can be deleted by a mod.)


“I’m going to make a generic corporate greed complaint in advance of said corporation actually doing something complaint-worthy because I desperately need anonymous people to click the Heart icon to validate my existence.”


What was their source?


I play GW2 which has a daily reward. I wouldn’t call them the best rewards. They aren’t all bad but definitely not “the best”.

If you don’t care about cosmetic rewards, none of this will have an impact on how you play the game.

The source was probably Wowhead. You can go look for yourself to see the news about the trading post.

its going to be for mounts and pets as well

I generally prefer to rely on the OP to provide their own, as it engages conversation on the subject.

Filthy casual.

Alright, but he was saying he watched a youtube video about the trading post, seems like he got the news from the YT video and not Wowhead. Asking for a source in this case is kinda weird, because everyone knows that the trading post is going to be a thing.

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So what is the problem with missing the reward? I play a ton of mobile games and GW2 as well if I miss the reward I just miss the reward. It is okay to miss out on things, the world will not end and no one will die.

It isn’t a daily…its a MONTHLY that also has monthly tasks to get more currency. I don’t know who you watched but either they had it wrong, or misheard. Read the actual post dude.


You do know it’s log in once a month and then do optional activities to get more right?

I swear some people just want to find the bad in everything. Let trading posts exist, right now there’s no monetization, have fun with it.

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“blizzard we want cosmetics! Give us something that makes us play wow!”

Blizzard: “ok we will do trading post and everything is optional”

General discussion: “NOOOO I want it handed to me!”

Definitely not WoWhead. I got my info from them first, then read the actual post. Neither said anything about being daily.


Sometimes people get their info from other sources. That was kind of the point. I’ve seen people get info from 4chan posts, back in the day.

This is not a topic I am super overly concerned with, but I did just want to see the info on it.

That’s my take on it, and Imma stick to it. :slight_smile:

Most of the people crying about this trading post don’t miss a day playing WoW to begin with lol.

That is wow player base.

They want flying from xpac launch, then complain it isn’t the flying they wanted.
They get optional stuff to get cosmetics, they complain they are going to a battlepass.
Blizz literally CANNOT win

So I’ll eventually be able to get mythic raid gear for logging in every day on my 5 accounts? Sweet!