Delete the Alliance from Horde territory

Topic is what the title says. Alliance has too much presence in core Horde territory. Speaking of the southern barrens of course. The Alliance has no less then 4 settlements there with a flight path. Meanwhile Horde never had access to Alliance zones the same way. It is only fair if Alliance gets kicked out by force so that all of the Barrens is rightful Orc and Tauren territory again. Get the heck out of our lands alliance scum. You are not welcome here.



Okay, so the horde have to leafe every Alliance-land aswell. :wink: It would be only a fair trait.


The Horde has no bases in neither Khaz’Modan nor Stormwind. The Alliance however has a huge presence in the Barrens. Your double standards are showing.

Ashenvale? Darkshore, Arathi? Hinterlands? Gilneas? Its exist ENOUGH places of hordebases in Core-Lands of Peoples of the Alliance, so stop lying.

You can even argue that with the return of the highborne…the tauren have to leafe feralas, you know :wink:


Zoram’gar is destroyed.

cleared out ever since MOP

Rightful Troll land.

empty. No Horde presence there.

will be the future place of a new Orc capital city.

Leave Azshara.

it was empty, not destroyed.

we´ll see

bs, i mean, such thing as “RIGHTFULL TROLL LAND” don´t exist.

We´ll see. i mean ,the bg of gilneas tell a different story.

your entire argument is against you ,because You yourself stated, that the Alliance should leafe hordezones, and i agree here, but visa versa it is the same, so no feralas for the horde either.

Dun Morogh and Lordaeron are also rightful troll lands. In this case for Amani and Frostmane.

has been contested territory ever since WoW started.


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Not an argument, i mean…the barrens were also contested, don´t flipp your own argument :wink:

Yes. It is rented to you.


The only faction contesting Feralas are the Alliance , the Gordok Ogre of Dire Maul and the Woodpaw Gnolls.

The Horde presence in Feralas is smoll. Lol


its kind of funny how ereviens own thread explodes in his face because he has built an argument that takes more from the Horde than the Alliance :smiley:

So you admit that the Alliance gets favored by Blizzard yes? Good. That is all I needed to hear.

Like Azshara and Hillsbrad and 1K needle and silverpine and Pre cataclysm STV and the place that i forgot what its called. (Ya know north of Desolace)

Be kind of silly to leave it. It’s right next to the captial and how much land do the night elf’s need? There needs to be some sort of parity here between zones.

But I agree with OP, alliance has presence in Durator, and north and south barrens.

I fully expect alliance to be removed on the next world revamp.

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It would be foolish to continue to provide Azshara’s resources to the Horde without charging exorbitant (or simply enormous) fees. Pay or drop, this is our land to be leased to you.

Delete the Erevien from the Story Forums… again.


I doubt the night elves drew up a formal contract of lease. Even if they did, it would have been with the Goblins, and if anybody is going to exploit loopholes to screw over their landlords it would be the Goblins.

Although if you want, we can talk about alternative resources. The Forsaken are always willing to ‘Eat the Rich’ - figuratively and literally.

In general terms - “we give you Azshara, you do not attack us”. After the siege of Orgrimmar, they probably concluded. For accurate data, contact the knowledgeable lore.