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wowzie piezie

that’s what they say

welcome back boiii

sooowoop yes sir

up to the top top top

added you!

About Us. :slight_smile:
This guild came to fruition after a couple of friends wanted a fun raiding experience while also being competitive. We are currently building a mythic roster for CN with just a few spots left. We are located on Bleeding Hollow /horde

Raid Times
Wednesday & Thursday
10:00pm - 2:00am EST

10/10 Normal
10/10 Heroic
2/10 M

What We Want From Our Raiders
-Great Attendance
-Friendly Attitude
-Knowledge of Encounters
-Raid Awareness

Trial period lasts 4-6 raid nights. Afterwards, Officers will assess overall performance. Trial periods may be extended in certain cases.

We are currently in need of :
Tank: Closed
Healers: Holy Pally
Ranged and Melee: Open to outstanding applicants

We are currently looking for members to perfect our mythic roster.

Required Add-ons:
DBM or BigWigs

If interested message Asuna#9953 On discord.

LF to the G

Never give up!!

[Evening Shift] is recruiting for our raid groups!

Current Schedule Below

Weekday Raids:

Team Frenzy: 9/10H, 2/10M Castle Nathria
(9:00pm - 12:00am EST Tues/Weds)

Team Chaos: 9/10H, 2/10M Castle Nathria
(9:00pm - 12:00am EST Tues/Weds)

Weekend Raids:

Team Higgy: 5/10H Castle Nathria
(10:30pm - 1:30am EST Sat/Sun)

Off Night Raids:

Normal CN Thursday 9:00pm - 11:00pm EST
Normal CN Saturday 7:00pm - 9:00pm EST
Off Night Monday 09:00pm - 12:00pm EST


Thurs/Friday 11:00pm - 2:00am

Server: US-Thrall High Pop PVE

Faction: Horde

About Us: We’re a group of mostly previous CE raiders returning that have acquired multiple realm firsts back in ICC. At peak we had 8 25 man groups going at any given time. Everyone raids based on their performance. It prevents carries and slackers from dragging the progression down. No politics, no favorites, everyone understands how they can succeed. Our goal this tier is CE for all raid teams and pushing for realm first next tier.

Recruiting Needs:

Raid Lead: We are looking for another raid lead to set up another raid during the time slot of 9pm-12pm two nights a week. We have the people interested but no lead.

DPS - Ranged/Melee

Heals - Holy Pally

Minimum Reqs: 205 Ilvl, 10/10N

As always though looking for highly skilled players of any class feel free to drop an add at one of the following

Bnet: Destro#1898
Discord: Destro#9040

still LF right 1 :slight_smile:

up to the date

Guild: Cerebral
Server: Area-52 (US)
Faction: Horde
Raid Schedule: Thursday/Friday/Saturday 10pm-1am EST
Progression: 3/10M CN
Recruitment Contact: NosTheHoss#1668-Bnet
Expectations: Character is up to date have class knowledge and some mythic experience. High attendance and treating your fellow raiders with decency.
Needs: All DPS classes are considered if you are exceptional. High demands are: Hunter, Warlock, Spriest and Mage
What makes us stand out from every other guild is we are a community. We are a guild not a raid team. We play different games together and are excited for you to join us.

If you leave a message leave contact info :slight_smile:


We’re looking for players with prior mythic experience who want to raid a somewhat casual schedule while utilizing some of the best-practices you see in more serious environments.

We raid 7-10pm Eastern Mon, Wed, Thurs and take advantage of our limited hours by coming to raid well prepared and highly organized. As an example, we use PTR testing footage and logs to create strats we’ll use during week 1. There’s an example from Ny’alotha in our recruitment information, and we also have guides posted internally for Castle Nathria.

Our primary organizational focus is on maintaining a positive and productive raid culture. We’re willing to make short term sacrifices like investing in a player who shows potential and needs some gear and some practice or removing a player who might be highly skilled individually but isn’t on board with playing as a team and keeping the raid culture positive.

If those practices and values speak to you, have a look at our recruitment post and drop us an application if you like what you see.

Please send ELP

elp elp elp thanks

Hey Nerdydk

Came across your post and thought I would let you know about us. Our raid times sound like they would be perfect for you. If you have any questions please feel free to ask!

< Ouroboros >
Proudmoore (PvE) Alliance

Current Progression:
2/10M, 9/10H, 10/10N Castle Nathria

Previous Xpac:

Ny’alotha 12/12M, 12/12H, 12/12N Cutting Edge
Eternal Palace: 7/8M, 8/8H 8/8N
Battle of Dazar’alor: 9/9M, 9/9H, 9/9N Cutting Edge
Crucible of the Storms 2/2 H
Uldir 8/8M, 8/8 H, 8/8 N Cutting Edge

Our Raid Schedule:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday:
8pm-11pm PST, 9pm-12am MST, 10pm-1am CST, 11pm-2am EST

Our Current Recruitment Needs:
While recruitment is open for all classes, we are specifically interested in the following classes/roles.


Brewmaster Monk
Demon Hunter

PLEASE NOTE: Our guild runs 3 main tanks. We give better consideration to those with a viable DPS off spec to share tanking duties. If you do not want to keep or enjoy a DPS off spec, we might have to rotate you out during fights where there are better tank comps or if you don’t need the gear.

Melee DPS

Demon Hunter
Enhancement Shaman

Range DPS

Balance Druid
MM Hunter
Ele Shaman



We give better consideration to those with a viable DPS offpsec. If you do not want to keep or enjoy a DPS offspec, we might have to rotate you out during fights where we need less healers or your class isn’t as strong as others for the fight.

Again, while these are the classes and spec’s we are most interested in, we will be more than happy to review exceptional applications and to take those that are competitive with our current members.

Previous Progression:
Legion 20-man Progression
Antorus, the Burning Throne 11/11 M 11/11 H, 11/11 N Cutting Edge
Tomb of Sargeras: 9/9 M 9/9 H, 9/9 N
Nighthold 10/10 M 10/10 H 10/10 N Cutting Edge
Trial of Valor 3/3M 3/3H 3/3 N Cutting Edge
The Emerald Nightmare 7/7 M, 7/7 H, 7/7 N

WoD 20-man Progression
Hellfire Citadel: 13/13 M 13/13 H 13/13 N
Blackrock Foundry: 7/10M 10/10H
Highmaul: 4/7M, 7/7H

Mist of Pandaria 25-man Progression
Siege of Orgrimmar: 14/14 Mythic
Throne of Thunder: 10/13 Heroic (Cleared pre-6.0)
Tier 14: 4/16 Heroic (Cleared pre-6.0)

Cataclysm 25-man Progression
Dragon Soul: 8/8 Heroic with 15% buff
Firelands: 7/7 Heroic
BWD/BoT/ToTfW’s: 13/13 Heroic

Wrath of the Lich King 25-man Progression
All Content Clear (Normal and Heroic)
Server First 25-man Heroic Lich King
Death’s Demise
Tribute to Insanity and Immortality

Guild History:
Ouroboros is a well established, progression oriented guild that formed back in 2007 and had been at the top or near the top of progression on our previous server of Blade’s Edge. Our goal is to advance as a guild focusing on 20 man raids throughout all progression content. Outside of raiding, many of our members also work on Mythic+ Keys, PvP/Battlegrounds, Old Content raids, and other achievement runs.

If you are looking to apply keep in mind that all members should be open to constructive criticism. We like to keep a small guild footprint and expect all members to act as adults and to behave respectfully when dealing with people both in and out of the guild. With that in mind, we do have a sense of humor that can be rather sarcastic and obnoxious at times, so the ability to laugh at yourself and participate in the jokes is definitely a good thing.

Expectations for Applicants:

  • We keep track of attendance and low attendance = low priority for raid spots. We expect that you make the majority of raids and inform us on discord when you CAN NOT make one, or may be late.
  • You should be fully prepared with flasks, potions, and food.
  • You should be very knowledgeable about your class and spec, and current progression fights planned for the raiding week
  • Your gear and experience are expected to be near the current level required for our progression.
  • Be able to follow instructions and take constructive criticism

Why Ouroboros?
Ouroboros is more than just a group of people who log in to slay internet dargons (spelling intentional) together. We are a community and a family. We stick together through the good and the bad. We’re here to support each other; not just in game, but outside of it as well. This community transcends a simple game. Bonds are formed that carry through into real life. One of the best examples of this is our annual Blizzcon trip and past summer BBQs. People from all across the country (and Canada) travel together to hang out, have a blast, and just enjoy each others company: new members, old members, members who haven’t played in years.

We are also very active in game on non-raid nights, and have regular guild runs of old content. Legendaries, transmog, nerd points, alt runs you name it!! Need help with an Infusion? We’ve got you covered!

The long and short of it is: If you’re looking for a guild to call home, we may just be what you’re looking for.

Contact information:
If you feel you are interested in applying to Ouroboros please join our discord at

For more personal information, feel free to contact any of our officers or recruiters via Discord or in game.

Killimanjaro: Kilimanjaro1024 #9179

Narumata: Discord: Narumata#8139
Nivels Discord: Nivels#5892

Thanks for reading, hope to hear from you!