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We got a guild going of returning players, we are looking for new players to get us up and running so we can start raiding. A few of us have already been thru heroic and mythic+, but we would like to get some guild runs going.
We are not looking to be hardcore, as most of us have a life outside of wow and have kids. We play the game to have fun and meet people. Saying that we are already pushing mythic keys and are planning to start raiding here soon.
We are looking for melee DPS and 1-2 more healers (priest/pally/shaman) and a few players who wouldn’t mind offspecing healer or tank. Wont turn down ranged
Since its kind of late into this expansion we want to do at much as we can in preparation for Shadowlands.
Not sure if you are looking to help a guild from the bottom up, or something that is already established. But if this sounds like something you would be interested in, hit me up on discord. I’m usually in most of the day.
We are located in MST. Raid times are 7:45pm and will go for about 2 hours. Day are Friday and Monday.
Realm is Gurubashi : [H] casual guild looking for more!
discord: or Morlanith#4704
bnet: Morlanith#1757
Hey there Durzo. My guild is a group of friends, that is always looking to add more. We are inclusive and have some friends that have been with us since MoP and WoD.
About Us:
[Blood Forged] (on Thrall) was founded by a group of friends just before the release of Warlords of Draenor. Unfortunately due to people’s opinions of the latest expansion Battle For Azeroth, we have decided to take a break. We are currently rebuilding and are looking to bring new and experienced players to take on the remaining challenges of BFA and further into Shadowlands. We are a semi-hardcore raiding guild focused on achieving Ahead of the Curve. We are looking forward to building an exceptional team.
Roles Needed:
Currently all roles are needed, with the highest demand on tanks and healers!
Times are currently tentative
Tues - Thurs at 10p EST to 1a
LordThoth666#1578 (bnet) - CoFounder/Guild Master
AdriAlmighty#1682 (bnet) / Adrisenpai#9736 (discord) - CoFounder/Officer
We are a semi-casual group of friends who have been raiding together since the Burning Crusade. We don’t take ourselves too seriously, but we do well enough - we nab AOTC decently early in the tier, and spend the rest of the time dipping our toes into Mythic, or just messing around with alts in Heroic and M+ if we don’t do Mythic that week. Our raid days are Tuesday and Wednesday, and we raid from 9-12PM EST, so hopefully those times are good for you, since you didn’t specify your time-zone. We’ve been looking for a Resto Shaman, so hopefully you’re as interested in us as we are in you!
If any of this sounds like what you’re looking for, please don’t hesitate to contact our recruitment officer! We would love to chat with you to see if we’re truly a good fit for each other!
Guild blurb below:
Carebear Club - Velen is LFM DPS and Healers. We are a fun group of people, that love to make jokes and kill bosses together. There are a good amount of people that enjoy mythic + outside of our raid times as well. We are a big family here at CbC and strive to make a person feel at home.
Raid Times: Tuesday/Wednesday 9pm EST - 12am EST
Raid Progression: 12/12 H Ny'alotha, 12/12 N Ny'alotha, 4/8M EP
Forum Post Link:
Contact Information: Ariana#1409 (bnet) AND Dare#1185 (bnet)/Dare#1758 (discord)
If you are interested or would like more information please feel free to contact Ariana or Dare. Good Luck hunting.
khoneycutt#1439 we are the arthas server. hit me up and we can talk
If you wouldn’t mind playing with casual guild we have a good time in thrall getting ready to build a raid group! Just need a few more pieces of the puzzle!
Guild & Server: Cupcakes and BDSM - Thrall (Horde)
Raid Times/Days: Sunday/Monday - 9pmEST-12amEST
Recruitment Contacts:
Alfaro#7894 (Discord)
Saraid#2102 (Discord)
Requirements: Discord
Needs: Looking for anyone who wants to play the current content, getting to know each other, grow, make friends, pushing the current content casually, then Push Mythically in Shadowlands.
We run keys, old content, WQ together, we pretty much do everything the game offers, togethers.
We also hold guild events for awards
Hey there! We are a newer guild but we’ve been raiding full guild groups now for 3 weeks and in heroic now. I understand we our somewhat behind in the content but that’s only due to being a new guild and some are returning players etc.
We do however, have the exact same mentality and feel it could be a perfect match, here’s some more info for you! Hope to hear from you!
Divine Minds is located on US Illidian Horde Side.
We are currently recruiting for our core raid team. We are looking for people that potentially have gotten a little bit of a late start to this expansion whether that be due to taking a break, left for classic, or literally just looking for a new home. New players are welcome as well!
Our highest needs are the following:
Any ranged DPS - excluding balance druids
Any healer - excluding resto druid
Melee DPS - excluding DH and rogue
We have been progressing through normal and will be beginning heroic next week. (We killed a couple heroic bosses last night after finishing up normal as a guild). It will be full heroic progression from here on out.
We raid two days a week - Wednesday and Friday 7PM-11PM EST.
Our goal is to push heroic content for CE and step into mythic and continue to progress as far into mythic content every tier.
we continuously run Mythic plus’ to help gear each other on off nights.
We have started to discuss a pvp team as well for off nights as an additional perk to joining our guild!
If a guild like this interests you, please add me at Defusionz#1271.
Greetings Durzo,
Progression: 12/12 N, 12/12 H, 5/12 M
Raid times: Tues and Thursday 9pm-Midnight EST
Hello, I am the Raid Lead for Incompetence Inc. We are a Horde guild on Area 52 (in the US).
I was the Raid Lead of a 10/11 M Antorus guild in Legion. That guild has since been dissolved and I, plus a few other players from that team have started anew
in 8.3.
We are searching for players that are looking to transition from Heroic raiders to Mythic raiders. We made that transition last expansion, and we can help you make that transition as well. Our goal is Cutting Edge, but we are keeping our expectations realistic.
Please submit your application on
copy and past the link into your browser to apply.
Recruitment Officer Battle Tag: Twisedzap#1714