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Come join today doing heroics daily
Updated still looking for more
Do you have room for a rogue? I also have a holy pally alt.
Updated if you have any questions fell free to join or add me on discord thank you!
Still looking shammy Heals/DPS, as well as others!!
In Need of Healers, Shammy DPS/Heals!
LFM Need them healers of any kind
Hello, are you guys looking to recruit a Ret Pally at all for 25 mans and also into a Kara raid group? Full Kara/ BIS geared and can raid Friday and Saturday. If you need check my raid logs.
If you have any questions fell free to add us contact info is above thanks!
LF them Resto Shammys and druid heals less gooo
LF a few more healers
LF Resto shammy an a few more DPS!
In need of a resto shammy a few more Ranged DPS lets goo!
In need of a resto shammy a few more Ranged DPS
Need few more dps and resto shammy
Need few more dps and resto shamannnnnnn!!
Still looking for shammy DPS/heals
Lets get to it hehe
LF shammys of all kinds