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Astral [6/10M] is a 2-day semi-hardcore Mythic progression guild on Mal’Ganis. We have a fun, drama-free environment outside of raid and a serious, progression focused attitude in raid. We are currently looking for more players who are interested in obtaining Cutting Edge.
Times/Days: Friday 8:00pm – 12:00am CST Saturday 8:00pm – 12:00am CST
Tuesday 8:00pm CST (Non-Mandatory) (Heroic Farm & Sometimes Mythic)

  • Trialing for the team is a two week period. During the trial you are required to attend the Friday/Saturday raids for both weeks and we will provide feedback via Warcraft Logs if necessary.
    Loot & Consumables:
  • All items are handled with RC Loot Council
  • All consumables are provided by the guild, if you are a cross-realm player you will be required to have Potions and Vantus runes.
    BNET: cptfluffybun #1739
    Discord: Bair#7111