Delete please

Well, when you embrace it as you want it to remain special because you have it, I’m not the one being confused.

Non sequitor. You have a tendency of quoting only part of something and leaving out important context just so you can demean what they say. I said they didn’t say why they decided to stop it, so I can’t say you’re on the same page.

But I haven’t, so you’re pointing that in the wrong direction.

This is what Blizzard intended. Yet, when you say

… one has to wonder.

I see. Feel free to show me where Blizzard said they’re bringing the Mage Tower back.

You’re all part of the same group.

If it happens, it needs to happen for all classes. Not just druids. As someone who earned it, who went through the struggle Id be miffed if they gave it away IN ANY WAY. Because I Was told it was exclusive, that it would never be earnable again so I busted my hump to get it. All the other forms are there, arguably glow bear and the hidden appearance are even cooler, and stand out more. You can earn those.

But this one? this one is for those who earned it. I hope they never hand it out; Because it would undermine not only what they themselves said. But the value and memories I have as well as many others. We all worked our butts off and im sorry ya’ll weren’t there, but… that happens in games. This is nothing new.

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In before the crybabies come…

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Let em come, it isn’t changing anything. But Im going to continue to speak up because I want it to be known; That there are more than just you and those like you and I who earned it that don’t want it tarnished. Likewise I know people who don’t have it who don’t even care.

One of my guild mates started a druid, saw my form and asked me how I got it. I explained it and she simply said “Thats neat, but I like this one.” and went after glow bear.

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I’m working on the Balance of Power forms myself.

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I haven’t started them yet, going to once I get my druid in his raid gear. Mainly because I love both the glow form, as well the bone armor form.

The best!

One only has to wonder why you can’t be bothered to address an entire thought.

Show me where they stated the reason for cutting it off.

Nope. Only projectionists like you would consider that.

Agreed. Please point out those who said otherwise.

Agreed. However, providing another chance to earn it is not the same as giving it away, unless they just gave it away to you. Not to mention, I don’t remember it being declared as limited when the Mage Tower was first released, so that could be the same as going back on one’s word.

You keep saying the same thing as if that has been the largest and loudest (or only) argument, and no one has said otherwise between your posts.

Perhaps if you had thoughts word addressing.

Got it. Nothing saying they’re bringing it back.

If that helps you feel better not having it…

You should ask Blizz if they would bring back every limited item in game.

It is. Some of you wanting it’s return state that the content was trivialized to the point there was little to no difficulty in obtaining it at the time.

I legit just went and looked it up, and in the icy veins article talking about it there is a snipit of Ion saying on his twitter that it will no longer be available after 8.0. Likewise if you look it up the support system tells you it is NOT available.

This was intended, it needs to stay this way. I earned it, its mine and those who weren’t around and didn’t get it can get over it. I know it sucks but honestly I like it as is and if I were in your shoes I WOULDN’T EVEN CARE because Id have other cool skins to use, plus the zandalari and Kultirans also have their own unique forms. You have a good chunk of options, and yes we need more so much more. But for now this is ok.

You don’t need everything handed too you, you don’t need to obtain everything especially if it is from a time when you ceased to exist. Or better yet didn’t even attempt to get it. Get over it. Move on.

Might I also add that the mage tower was up EVERY DAY until BFA launched… there was plenty of time to chase the skin if you truly wanted it. And if you weren’t there through BFA? Well oof, I suppose the heart of azeroth toy and legendary cape effect is going to drive you nuts too?

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This is how I feel about it, my regret on missing out on limited time things in the past is why I try more to get them now.

I did all 36 mage towers just because I did not want to regret not having them in the future if I ever switched mains.

Do not re-add old removed things, add new cool limited time things to earn.


No. That ship has sailed.



Well, it is important when you only address the first part of the thought and ignore the rest just to build a scarecrow.

Not the same thing, try again.

No, it is not. Giving it away implies there is no effort to get it at all, that it just shows up on your character.

The Mage Tower was also designed for different specs, so the challenge changes. Doing it while timewalking also changes the challenge.

I’ll ask again, who asked for it to be handed to them? Or are you going to continue projecting how you would feel in this situation?

If you think restoring the challenge is handing it to them, then I guess you had it handed to you, so it would be justified in that case.

No. Just No.

Stop begging…it’s unseemly.

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Here are some responses for you

Oh, so you know they’ll bring it back. What else did they say?

You can’t seem to wrap your head around the fact that it was TIME limited. It’s not only about the challenge. Use your head a little.

And for emphasis:

Simply put I dont want them to have it. It was for the time. I stand against them being able to earn it now; Its an exclusive reward JUST LIKE ahead of the curve AND any and all mounts/titles/vanity that comes with it. Same thing. Deal with it.


I wouldn’t be so sure about that. You can now have phoenix mounts. Supposed to be only available to those who would earn them via mop challange mode.

Blizzard is the king of re-using.

They aren’t Blizzard. And you’re still constructing strawmen out of what you wish I was saying rather than what I was actually stating.

And you can’t seem to grasp the concept that we are asking them to change their minds. I even offered a compromise that would still keep it time-gated, ala time-walking on special anniversaries.

I have accepted I didn’t earn it in time.

Now accept that some would like to have their shot at it, and for some (like me) it would be again.

It’s not like they haven’t said something wouldn’t be brought back, yet they brought it back anyway. The best reason would be financial incentive, such as getting players to return to subscribe again, much like they did with those Vanilla Private Servers.

Nah, we know what you’re asking for…