Delete please

good morning gooooood mooorrrnning :sunflower:

Saw you respond to

Hi, I am a 203 SV hunter you responded to my post. I just recently got the leggo incase I am forced into MM. Currently 10/10H and just been trying to find a group to do Mythics with consistently. Will meet w/e requirements are asked of me.

hi! if you’re interested please fill out an app and we’ll contact you within 3 days if we’re interested, thanks!

Xy’mox down!!

Yay destroyer down!

have a good night :first_quarter_moon_with_face:


:sun_with_face: :crown: down and inerva almost dead! woot

council prog today! whee


goooooood night!

need a tank!!!

feelin hot hot hot :snowboarder:

LFG (add me on discord if you wish to talk.)

Council prog fun woo!

watch the puppybowl!

yay dance done, gl to weekend!

sludge :fist:


lf tank again :fist:
