Delete please


:yawning_face: long day! come and play!

need a huge healer :woman_health_worker::man_health_worker:

wishing for some luck with a poppin warlock

sl announcement, come raid for me!!!

SL lets goooo

im rdy im rdy im rdy :sponge:


online doing heroic sales now! :wave:

HUELLO :mouse:

Weekend BIG CE players now!

Lots of healer apps. Weekday healer positions closed until further notice.

need some big owners

any gamers out there

helo! i hop evvreboadi hav gooknight

goo night!

I know it said dps but would you be interested in a tank ?îk

If you’re interested in joining fill out an app :slight_smile:

Lookin for more gam3rs

weekday tank and heal slots are filled and locked atm but i appreciate your interest!! Good luck!