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Are you guys still recruiting? I’m an old casual vet that came back for remix. I rolled a shadow priest for a laugh and ended up really liking it, so I wanted to do one on retail to do the legion class campaign. I’ve been doing all this solo, and would like some folks to hang out with!

I tried to apply to guild but got removed off discord after like 2 messages.

Hey there! Returning player here, looking for a new home. Haven’t played (regularly) since 9.0 - will be looking to run raids and push keys. Can play a number of heal/dps roles as I have in past. Battle tag is Kovo#1606

Hey there, Haven’t really played since BFA looking to come back into the game for TWW wanting to play DH Tank for raid and mythic+, sounds like a good fit to where I want to take raiding and mythic+ seriously but still have fun and such. Sonchai#1494

Still looking.