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Read the ‘This week in WoW’ post.

There’s an article coming today about Phase 3.

Wait really? I didn’t know they announced the blog was coming today. I thought it would be later in the week. That’s big.

P2 feels short. I haven’t even hit all my goals for P2 on my alts. I guess I better get to grinding.

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The phase 3 article is already out.

patch notes:

shaman get more OP
and ranged hunters get the broken shaft

“No details at all” has been the whole theme of SoD.
They’re trying to recreate the first-time experience where you learned about stuff but doing it.
Dataminers and spoilers are high-key ruining it.

I agree but that is the current gaming climate, meaning Blizzard should adapt.

Cast iron skillet and salt users are high-key ruining how you guys rate my insipid steak cooked over a camp fire.

They don’t like us.

They like the silent majority better

As a member of the vocal minority, I completely understand

Who in their right mind would waste energy on us?

use your brain, OP

S3 is going to be insane, all W changes and so much more content

Not even a vaguely reasonable comparison. You eat your own food that you prepare, nobody is forcing you to eat from the Cast Iron. But when you open the forums or wowhead for something and have your future runes shoves down your throat before you can get to the talent calc, that’s a little silly.

ALSO: there is a boatload of information in the video posted on the wow homepage with a ton of P3 if the OP wants it, but he wants the information spoken aloud to him, narrated in Morgan Freemans voice I presume, since a 24 minute video was too much for him.

I agree spoilers are bad for some. For instance, people who talk about movies will often say “spoilers ahead”. To bad we don’t have the same here.

What I said in plain English is: Dataminers will always exist. No matter the intention of things, if it is online it can be data mined, hacked, exploited, etc. Blizzard fights to stop this but it’s a never ending battle of white hat vs black hats.

So there is always going to be someone looking for an exploit, then they will sell that exploit or open it to the public. With that in mind, in todays gaming culture, it’s super try hard, chad or bust. So today’s gaming culture wants that info and strives on it, hence spoilers.

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