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Your theory look like it is based in alot of headcannon or wrong assumptions.

First the fish who talks to azshara is Nzoth he is mimicking her own voice, it is not a female fish, it is N’zoth reaching out to Azshara’s mind making her believe it is her own thoughts telling her to let go, like intrusive thoughts,manipulation that is, nothing more and nothing less.

Secondly the entity Xal’ath was put in the dagger ages before the titans even showed up in azeroth, she was already confined to the dagger by the time the titan vs old gods war started.
Aberrus true purpose is not yet revelead to us, it look like a prison for the portal and not to a being.
And the color scheme is the same for almost everything void related, cuz you know the next expansion will be void related.


Just wanna point out that we do know what Aberrus is. It was Neltharions/Deathwings lab, where most of his orignal creations, most notably the Dracthyr were created.

It is true we don’t know the full extent of what Nethalarion as working on, but what I’m curious is whether the shadow flame was always down there or did he stumble upon the old gods prisons by mistake and unleashed the shadow flame and thats why he had the place sealed off

It is interesting that when we go back to the Black Empire during one of Chromie quests N’zoth does say I know you, what you will be, what you will do or something along those lines and it’s kind of hinted at that he may have planned his death in BfA way back than and might not actually be permanently dead

But that’s just speculation.


Azshara recognises the fish later on and N’zoth speaks through said fish. N’zoth only revealed his true self to Azshara to give her that extra push to agree to his offer. Azshara of course says she would only do it if N’zoth makes her a Queen.

‘looks at Yogg-saron and Sara’

Also Yogg-saron posed as Sif and ‘whispered’ to Loken as Sif.

And Twilight Dragons like Valiona.

N’zoth was clearly speaking about Azshara. I mean Azshara’s plan in BFA was to lure us to N’zoth prison… so she could use the Heart of Azeroth to undo his prison. Which is referred to as the Circle of Stars by not only Azshara but also blizzard via the Za’qul & Azshara wing of Eternal Palance being called as such.

Queen Azshara yells: Come, heroes. Prove yourselves worthy. Find me… in the circle of stars

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I was referring for the lower levels where we fight sarkareth and the void portal, it is as to my knowledge a mistery who opened it or tried to, and who chained that portal so it would be “closed” until we got there.
We dont know if it was the titans who closed that said portal or neltharion after finding it before sucumbing to madness or if he was the one who broke the chains in the first place or at least weakened it.

It is nto an assumption it is the same voice actress as Azshara in the cinematic.
Boy i know you want to see deep and find something that no else has found yet but
Let us be real the cinematic was a setup for BFA 2 final bosses, Azshara and Nzoth and jow they relate to each other.
Most of the playerbase only knew azshara back then as the former queen of the night elves or the map north of orgrimmar :clown_face:

And it was explicit that it was nzoth cuz the fish change voices 3 times in the cinematic and all are nzoth trying to get azshara on team old god.

And Xal’ath even is mentioned to be with A naga for most of the 10k years after the sundering, so azshara is well aware of who xal is, what the dagger can do and how to deal with it thanks to daddy Nizzy.

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